December's Song,0,236923.story
This is a story on the damage in Central Florida that occurred when a Cold Front raced dramatically down the state yesterday. In Miami we just had strong winds, up the coast a bit a tornado touched down and strong, straight line winds caused damage throughout the region.
You can see the front here.. yesterday was really the Pre-Frontal Trough ahead of the front but it's moving steadily down. If you loop it.. you'll see it. It's singing December's Song. I am sure some die hard tropical weather tracker will point out to you that if the front lingers long enough... sigh, some people never cry uncle but today is December 1st! It's pay day! It's change the calendar day! It's think on the holidays and winter and the end of the year. It's my birthday month, though being a good Cappy it won't come around til way late in the month. Loop.. enjoy, pretty picture.

If you check out the snowman cam he is buried under snow. You cannot even read the inches as the snow is just covered and clinging to the measuring stick. One imagines the snowman is happy being in his element!
In Miami I am going back to work. Been off work for 5 days and hard to go back but back I must go. Why does the Disney theme song "off to work I go" come to mind. I am not a Disney fan, but songs like that are insidious. I like Disneyland..just not into their movies, too scary.
So... December's song is on of snow, of winter, of wind racing out of the north and blue skies in Miami and parrots flying fast about. Yesterday morning I watched the sunrise and watched two birds fly the length of the sky.. wing tip to wing tip. It was beautiful. A solitary turkey hawk flew majestically around in soaring circles looking for breakfast I suppose. Parrots, being community birds, fly with whoever or whatever is nearby..loudly! High today of 77 degrees, currently in the 60s. Art Basel lucks out and shows off Miami as the place to be in December.
As for me... my mind turns towards plans for what I will do with the rest of my year, next year and what specific thing I will take on to memorialize in my own way the deaths of Rabbi and Mrs. Holtzberg as well as others killed in the attack. The son of a famous Rebbe in Brooklyn, cousin to the Satymr Rebbe was killed. A woman from Mexico, a grandmother from Israel.... In their memory I ask you all to take on one good deed whether it's calling your grandmother more often, giving food to a food bank, putting a dollar a day in a charity box...whatever you can do best and most consistently. Or just one good deed.
Have a beautiful day and yes...the Dolphins Won yesterday! A win is a win is a win :)
Besos Bobbi
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