Invest 96 Still There, Still Here & A Lost Space Bag...

Okay, up early and doing some things. Just wanted to say the area of disturbed weather that probably will never get the name Rene is still there this morning, painted yellow and looking pretty fine. I'm beginning to think that Invest 96 has discovered the secret to long life and that it will stay down there until next April possibly becoming a named storm on May 1st, 2009! Actually, one of my son's best friends just moved to Panama. If he gets Rene I will never hear the end of it. I'll just tell him it's only a little rain and we are getting a cold front! Let's see, 14 years old... a Tropical Storm vs a Cold Front, hmmmnnn Tropical Storm Rene sounds more exciting than Cold Front Number Four!
Well, either way a cold front is coming down the continental 48 ... cool air coming down for Thanksgiving so we will all be in the mood to cook up a storm!
In case you are tired of watching those puppies online or my Snowman vs the Deer and Bear Cam... you can now watch the lost space bag circling the globe. Poor NASA, just when they wish a story would go away it takes new legs and becomes a cheap form of entertainment for people trying to save money and not do the movies so often. Grab some popcorn, a tootsie roll pop perhaps and a good pair of binoculars and sit outside on a cool night bundled up with your favorite partner and watch for the lost space bag to circle over your town! Seriously, when I read this I thought it has to be an April Fools Joke but it's not April Fools! Couldn't believe it. Now you know what us weather watchers watch when there is no tropical weather... ;) space weather.
From an email from
"ISS TOOLBAG: A backpack-sized tool bag inadvertently dropped from the
International Space Station last week is orbiting Earth and has been sighted
from the ground. The tool bag is surprisingly bright, about 6th or 7th
magnitude, which makes it an easy target for binoculars or a small telescope.
Today's edition of offers observing tips, sighting
reports and a movie of the bag in orbit.
Possible Northern Lights if you live far enough to the north.. otherwise, dream away or youtube them!
AURORA WATCH: High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras tonight
and tomorrow. Earth is entering a solar wind stream and this could trigger
geomagnetic storms around the Arctic Circle."
As for me.. I'm gonna be looking for Kumquats today!
Besos Bobbi
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