Day of Good Deeds Requested..

The weather is here beautiful but my heart is somewhere else far away in Mumbai, India. And, I'm crying even though the birds outside are singing and there is a cool breeze coming through the window and I am thinking of what I need to make for Shabbos. The picture above is of the family during Lag B'omer a holiday where we make bon fires, picnics.. I was in NC this year and my son Zalmy helped build the bonfire with wood picked up by the children in the nearby pine forest. It's a joyous holiday.
I fell asleep last night trying to put out various visions in my head that were weaving their way in and out as I had heard a report from a reliable Israeli news authority that they felt the people in the Chabad House were dead. I hoped it wasn't true. But, the reports of baby Moshe being covered in blood and the maid seeing the parents and others motionless on the floor did not bode well. Amazing report below.
It's hard to think good and it will be good, but you are supposed to do so. Miracles do happen and the fact that little Moshe survive is indeed a miracle but his parents could be prepared for burial tomorrow on his second birthday and that is a great tragedy...if early reports are true. We wait for confirmation.
The whole mess is a great tragedy and my son Zalmy is upset that we in America only seem to be concerned on whether Americans died. It's not really true but he wanted to know why FOX was showing info on two Americans who were killed there as well when so many were killed. I told him because people relate to their own and FOX and CNN are America News Services who cater to American's who want to know if any Americans were killed. He is young... I had to show him pictures from the 1972 Munich Massacre at the Olympics when the Israeli/Jewish team was taken hostage and many killed. They don't talk about that much when talking on the Olympics do they now? I have to go talk to my daughter who is the same age as Rivka who died in India... my daughter is in Canada doing the same job and making the world a better place. I am so proud of her and her husband.
So... do me a big favor today please. Give charity, do a good deed, learn holy works such as Torah or Chassidus is a good place to start. Just do one good thing for someone today in the merit of the Rabbi and his wife who spent their lives far from their homes and their family trying to go deeds in a place far away and to be there for Indian Jews as well as Jews passing through around the world or working their on business. Do good deeds because in that way you will keep their cause alive, their goals... their life's purpose.
Feed someone who needs to be fed. Give charity. If you saved $50 by rushing to the store today and buying some new electronic toys on sale for a few dollars cheaper please give that money you saved to charity if you can afford it. Give it to Breast Cancer Research or MS or Diabetes or the Red Cross or Chabad or whatever place of prayer you go to... to a food bank. If you don't have money, donate food to a food bank. Everyone can do something to make the world a better place.
Whether they are found alive or dead... just do it, in their merit and for others or anyone in your life who made a difference and for which you are thankful for ...
Give thanks for those around you who are alive and well and happy and safe.
Give thanks for the little Starbucks and the ocean and a fire in the fireplace. Give thanks that you are reading this... give thanks for the big things.
Live life, savor it and do good deeds and Serve the Lord with Joy...
Find joy... do good deeds.
Good Shabbos... Besos Bobbi
stories below..
Good place to give charity to.. I give them every year, going to write a check today and go visit some people in a nearby nursing home.
Now is your turn... do something please..
Good Shabbos. Bobbi
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