Eerie Thanksgiving... A Day of Prayer and Thanks

Thanks that my family is safe here in America (and Canada) and not overseas where Americans are more subject to terrorism in countries where Islamic terrorists try to spread their web of terror and hatred to countries that have not embraced their hatred.
India is a beautiful country, rich in heritage and history... and constantly trying to stay sovereign and safe from the terrorism that surrounds their country. It leaks in insidiously. Pakistan and other regions that have become safe havens for terrorists who are all fed in philosophy and with weapons by Al Kaida. This is not brain surgery, this was a massive attack in size and scope and it wasn't some small sleeper cell who has issues that they want publicized.
One of the blasts was at the Chabad House or the building the Chabad House was in and the building was stormed with at least 5 terrorists. Understand it's called a "Community House" but it is a Synagogue in a home which is how Chabad and many groups to when they first go out with small funds and try to set up in a country. People can come, pray, learn, study and access kosher food and use the internet. It's like an overseas embassy of sorts of Israeli kids who when they get out of the army go backpacking around the world before going on with their lives. Jewish Americans or Europeans traveling throughout India know they can go to Chabad for Shabbos, for meals, for someone to talk to or to even call home if they need. This happens in India, in Africa, in Thailand, in anywhere there is a Chabad House.
I had one. Long time ago. My ex-husband and I ran a Chabad House. People would call up and say they were home in America visiting a relative who was ill and they got "stuck" here and had no place to go for the Shabbos (Sabbath) or for a holiday like Passover and they would come, sleep over, help cook, eat, talk... become part of the family. A girl from Israel visiting relatives who needed a place to stay and eat on Rosh Hashonnah..the Jewish New Year. Once a man and his son who were here from Israel and he was trying to get his son a special operation only available in America to give his son the chance to hear.. he was deaf. My ex-husband brought them home, they stayed all Shabbos and... he helped connect them with doctors we knew at Mt. Sinai who helped him get a cochlear something transplant and ... he could hear, a little anyway but the first time in his life. I cooked with my best friend soups for an old woman dying of stomach cancer who needed hot, warm, kosher food but whose kids lived overseas and could not help... she found the name Chabad in the phone book, called... voila, hot soup delivered daily.
I'm just saying... these people were targeted because they were Jewish and because they were foreigners. Rivka (the wife) is from Israel where her father runs a high school and her husband is from England.
The little boy who is barely 2 was taken out of the house by a cook or maid who grabbed him and ran. His pants were soaked with old blood, obviously after crawling around for over 12 hours or lying near his possibly injured parents.. his pants got a lot of blood on them. He is supposedly okay..or as okay as he can be. I'm sure he wants his mother and father.
It's been a day of rumors. She was hurt, she is okay. They were said to be alive, they were said to be unconscious. The terrorists were indeed using the Rabbi's cellphone to call out and give demands to the media. Unreal.
Rumors and prayers and cooking.
Went to a Bar Mitzvah this morning for a friend's son and my old Rabbi's grandson. Rabbi Glixman. Unreal man.
Then..came home and cooked with my boyfriend the meal, potatoes, vegetables... said Psalms (prayers) and watched TV. Having about 17 people here.
So... that's been my day. How's yours?
So sad... people staying in a hotel, on vacation, visiting... attacked, killed, held hostage. And, a day of thanks for my boyfriend (fun to call him that you know lol) and my kids and their friends and the beautiful blue skies and cool air and life in general.
Crazy news day. Let's pray for the beautiful young couple living in India doing good deeds and helping others who were targeted soley because they were Jewish, they were foreigners as were people staying by them and staying at the hotel.
I'm Lubavitch. I might be sort of Modern Lubavitch these days (silly term) but I am and when one of us hurts we all bleed, we all pray. We are one family, we know people across the world who know our kids, our friends... who I went to Seminary with and half my class lives in Australia or Israel as the year we were getting married that is where most the couples were going who worked for Chabad. I went back to Miami.. and then California. I have a daughter who is the same age as this young woman Rivka who works in Canada. It's a small world.. especially my world.
So... please do me a favor and pray for them.. pray for everyone. Give charity, whether it's .25 cents or a dollar or 25 dollars. Give charity, pray and do some sort of good deed today and give thanks, give thanks we live here and that our lives are not touched by such terrorism and pray we continue to stay safe from such acts of evil.
Do acts of goodness and kindness today to help offset the deeds done by evil people please. Please say tehillim/psalms or prayers for Gavriel Noach ben Frieda
Bluma who is the Rabbi/father. Rivka bas Yehudis his wife. And, their
little boy Moshe Tzvi Ben Rivkah should be okay.

Thank you... Mucho Besos Bobbi
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