Happy Thanksgiving... Some Lighthouses To Give Thanks On..

Seeing as there are no tropical cyclones or areas of disturbed tropical weather today I thought I would put up a link to a story that the Miami Herald did this week on a historic lighthouse.
Sort of vacation from storms this week as the weather is beautiful and I'm on vacation for thanksgiving.
One of the many things we should give thanks for from a historical perspective in a coastal culture of lighthouses.
We love them. We see them as destinations to go to on a Sunny Sunday or to keep children busy mid-way through summer. We pose by them like we reached some great geographical marker on a long distance vacation. We drive to Portland Maine or we drive to Cape Hatteras. We buy magnets or send postcards. If we are adventurous we climb all the way to the top.. if they are in good enough shape to climb.
But, do we really appreciate the historic value of these lighthouses that have withstand hurricanes, nor'easters and blizzards? They watched over boats and shorelines for years... their light always burning. During the war they would often be turned off as part of a strategy. We repair them.. we enjoy them but do we really appreciate the history that these lights have seen and witnessed?
Adding some hurricane history to this ... I remember after Andrew I went with my brother over to Key Biscayne to look around. The Australian Pines had fallen down, big hotels at the water's edge were smashed apart... there was talk of total devastation at the tip of Key Biscayne but supposedly the lighthouse stood strong. When the helicopter from the News Stations sent up helicopters to survey damage I remember the voice of the on air person in the air when he saw the lighthouse standing, he was so excited. But, we went and looked for ourselves. It was awesome. Talk about giving thanks. In the middle of tremendous devastation we made our way down towards Cape Florida. It was all gone. The beautiful canopy of trees, roof tops ripped at on the condos.. the northern part of the eye wall of Hurricane Andrew reached out and touched the southernmost end of Key Biscayne. Raccoons scurried about at the park's entrance scourging for food that locals were leaving for them. We got out of the car and stood there in silence, sort of in shock to see the beautiful park we loved so stripped of vegetation but oddly...the image of the lighthouse standing at the end of the park, the only thing left standing was more humbling, more amazing... the lighthouse stood.. like it has after every storm that has come and gone though none were as strong as Hurricane Andrew. But, still.. it stood.
It was awesome. Sad and yet exciting, one moment of triumph in that horrible disaster.
When I was young it was brownish red which I liked, similar to the Jupiter Light but they painted it white like it was long ago and is again.
Best book on Key Biscayne filled with lighthouse stories and hurricane stories!
So... if you are home and have some time this holiday weekend... enjoy the article and appreciate and be thankful for the role these lighthouses played in our coastal history.
I'll probably come back later and post the picture I can't find of Cape Florida after Hurricane Andrew but right now I need to go shopping for Brussel sprouts and onions and potatoes and all the various things we are going to cook and enjoy.
Happy Thanksgiving and may you enjoy family and friends wherever you are and the weather you love the most!
Besos Bobbi...stay safe and happy!
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