Tropical Storm Debby's "Weather" Making Landfall
As I type this... as I pop cherries into my mouth I sit here watching the WV Loop and Jim Cantore on the beach in Florida... Tropical Storm Debby's "weather" is making landfall where the GFS has insisted she would make landfall for days now.
There she goes... inland..............
That GFS model and the ensemble was tossed out like yesterday's garbage by the NHC in favor of the European model.
Now seriously, considering how poor the European Union is doing these days why would you trust the European ??? Well, just saying. Even the Canadian model called this right.
I'm not going to sit here and wax poetic on an empty swirl that is naked but swirling that the NHC wants to hang onto until the new European model comes in so that they can then explain why they changed the cone just in time to say that Debby made landfall within the cone..which is currently way over to the west of where the weather is happening.
This is a prime example of why people go online to their favorite sites, blogs and chat rooms to discuss weather.
Take with some of the best forecasting around by Jim Williams. he has just added a link for power outage info ... as power is going out all over random parts of Florida.
Look at and you can see the reports coming in all over the whole state of FLORIDA in real time..
Twitter tweets:
This isn't the first time this has happened, happens now and then... being stubborn is not always a good trait. Understandable when you have to answer to various parameters but this whole Debby mess reminds me of Irene when they stubbornly tracked a naked swirl to Naples where Jim Cantore stood around waving his arms on the beach looking for weather while Miami was underwater and being blown apart by the "weather mass" of Irene........
The idea is to warn people of the WEATHER ... and you can't just pass that off to the NWS as the "weather" is part of the storm...not just a naked, closed circulation center.
Keep watching... by 2pm ...soon the NHC might update their cone... this one goes down in the record books and there will be a lot of complaining about the models but the models have been good, one was wrong...the European. It's sort of like taking the wrong girl to the prom and watching the love of your life dance away with another guy. Not pretty...
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