Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Sunday, August 06, 2023

Tropics Quiet. How You Handling the Endless Summer? 49 Days Til Fall - 26 Days Til Meteorological Fall ... Hurricane Season on Hold Still. Subsidience...SAL.


If you compare this with Friday.
Looks pretty much the same.
So keeping it short 

Just not much to say.
But if you're in the mood....
...keep reading!

Zoom Earth check them out they are awesome.

There's a lot of convection, heat, clouds climbing high into the sky, raining down the moisture they collected in their clouds that was amped up from the summer heat but in the end nothing is spinning. 2023 has been high on clouds of all kinds, including the blood red skies of New York City from the smoke from the fires infused into the clouds as if they were special effects from Hollywood for an End of the World Movie. But it's not the end of the world, it's every day summer heat congregating mostly in the Southwest/Texas with a few unbearable excursions into the Southeast. Florida is just plain ole hot every day in this boring summer of 2023.  

Few have talked about other places such as Chicago, New York and New England where the high heat has been punctuated with cooler temperatures and more doable weather. 

If you click on that you'll see...
...the weather is nice.

I have a daughter that lives in Airmont, NY when she's not on the road nearby camping out. She has not complained about the weather once this summer. I have a son in Denver who sends me nonstop screenshots of the radar, incoming possible hail and as he loves weather he's enjoying it though seems a bit extreme for me... cold wind in the winter, wild storms in the summer. He missed most of the wildest weather as they went to Scotland where he wore a light jacket with shorts and they took awesome pics of Fairy Ponds and castles and bagpipes. My youngest son in Miami went to Lollapalooza in Chicago for his birthday, I mean where else would a Leo child celebrate this birthday other than a music concert with friends. 

The point here is not about my kids but about how people handle the weather, whether it's beastly hot, good old normal "when is the summer over hot" and whether or not they have kids and are up to traveling vs staying home. My youngest daughter is in Miami with a best friend who flew in from NJ who actually went to Miami In August to have a Girl Party/hang out with a best friend. You know Barbie Drinks at bouchie restaurants and enjoying the night life that Miami has pretty much 365 days a year. Not one picture of them complaining how hot it is and when it gonna cool off.

My younger brother gets up early in the morning when the weather is more mild, walks the dog and takes photographs and sends them to me almost every day. He does complain on the heat alot but he's a Real Estate Appraiser out in the heat in traffic often on the Palmetto Expressway, a road not featured in the tourist brochures for "things to see in Miami" nope, never on that list of top places to go and things to do. My friends in Miami with money (big money) are mostly in Italy or Spain this summer. Those of you who got a good deal on an August Cruise in the Caribbean go so fricking lucky this year, and have two kids who actually ended up on the same cruise for next week (can't make this up) and I'm still wondering what to do today because gonna be on the road tomorrow.

Bottom is weather. The tropics are currently dead but they are most likely playing possum and when it's time and the SUBSIDIENCE has settled down add in a few other factors. The switch has not been flipped yet, it's that simple.

I love the Internet and Social Media more than most people, but I will admit it has given birth to a whole mentality of "kvetching" about everything. There are 3 types of people, those who show they are having fun, those who are kvetching and those who are sitting home doing nothing watching the others show off or kvetch. Kvetch means to endlessly complain about eveything, from the burger to the bun to the sauce to the bad service to the noisy restaurant and somewhere nearby a fun person is chomping down on the best burget they ever had and is writing a Yelp review waxing poetic on how incredible the burger was telling everyone to come and try it out. The Kvetch goes home and writes a snotty review, like every other review they ever wrote bitching about the crappy service, bun, hamburger and sauce not to mention unfriendly wait staff.

Which one are you?

This summer is a dream summer for beach resorts who make most of their yearly revenue in the summer and the lack of spin in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico is giving them an extra bounty of money without having to constantly worry the next hurricane will wipe their home and business off the map. Some people travel, some go to the canal, the Lake or the Mall watching movies released that have many have waited for a long time.

I know what I'm doing. I checked it out with my Aries husband and he's always ready to roll (which is good as a Capricorn I can usually think of 20 reasons not to) and yes a lot of astrology here because there ain't no tropical weather to talk about.

But I needed to write.

So if you got to the bottom of this mish mosh of thoughts, know it's up to you how to spend your day, how to deal with the summre (some actually love it, why I don't know but they do) and if not know it's 47 days til Fall and I mean the real Fall not the September 1st meteorological fall which is much closer.

Sweet Tropical Dreams
Sweet Falling Leaves Dreams
Sweet Snow falling to the ground dreams.

Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram


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