Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Tropics Saturday Night


Beta on the left.
Teddy in the middle.
Wilfred on the right not doing well.
Small suspect area across Florida...
...always worth watching from dangling fronts.

Interesting in that they are at a similar latitude.
Took so long for Teddy to get there.
So long for Beta to develop.
Yet not that far apart....
...but far apart enough.
Note the dark zone in North Georgia.
The front that came through here.
It was so cool this weekend.
Beautiful, really beautiful.

Not much to say tropically.
Teddy behaving going North...
Beta will cause some flooding.
Hopefully it moves.
I always discount early models...
System still in search of strong center?

It is what it is. I'll be back Monday. I had a very beautiful Jewish High Holy Days celebration in a quiet low key way as there were no guests and yet the food was nice, I learned, read, prayed, thought and enjoyed the beautiful Fall Weather in Raleigh where temperatures got down into the high 40s and today when I walked over to the Temple in the late afternoon for a "shofar blowing" outside in the park like area next to the Synagogue near the Pre-School the rays of the sun danced on the tall pines as a few trees whose leaves showed some fall color and it was glorious weather.

Now I'm watching New England play and oddly rooting for them because Cam Newton is playing and that's hard as I also like Russell Wilson who played at NC State but so conflicted these days in an ever changing world. I like Cam more though so I'm oddly rooting for New England.

We are moving into Fall, officially even if you are in South Florida. As I said the other day that while we still have waves rolling off of Africa we are moving into a different pattern. As we do in the early part of the season we watch late season fronts that dangle in warm tropical waters, this time of year we watch strong early season fronts that dangle in warm tropical waters and at some point the Caribbean should produce a big storm and some wayward Westbound weak wave could flare up in our part of the world.

Bottom Line ... there is high surf on the East Coast in places from Teddy and it's also a King Tide which creates flooding issues along the coast...    But Teddy is out to sea. Beta will make landfall. I'm wondering on remnants of Wilfred.

Much love... Besos BobbiStorm

@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram.


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