Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Father's Day Weekend. No Hurricanes Threatening Your Favorite Place So Enjoy It. Tropics Quiet. Do What You Love. Find Someone or Some Place to Love. Enjoy It. 2020 Hurricane Season May Rearrange It So Get Out There Now!

Nothing in the Atlantic.
A weak broad yellow circle in the EPAC.
Amazing there are no current storms there.

In the Atlantic we've got tropical waves.
A bunch of High Pressure areas.
And interesting Upper Level Lows.

2015 was a strange year.
We had Fred near Africa.
Joaquin that took down a freighter.
A fire hose set up near South Carolina.
I knew from the start 2015 was gong to be odd.

No I wasn't a huge fan.
I was always more a Barbie girl ya know.

Two things I want to touch on briefly today and they are rivers in North Carolina that are peaking from heavy rains going into the Hurricane Season setting up a potential disasterous problem should we get hit by a large, wet hurricane this year. I say that because not all hurricanes are wet but they as they are often dangerous in different ways. Andrew was dry as a bone, yet it rearranged the landscape and was deadly, disasterous and memorable. The 1926 Hurricane in Miami was huge, wet and disastrous. Years ago I had a theme going that no two hurricanes were alike and no two seasons were alike; think I talked on Cabbage Patch Dolls a lot after being inspired by an incredibly unique, drop dead gorgeous guy. Inspiration is what it is ya know.

But it's true and huge Hurricane Floyd that whooshed past Miami on it's way to North Carolina delivered a knock out punch to some communities as did Fran, Matthew and Florence as well as a multitude of others I could bore you with but if you are interestered buy the Barnes book on Norch Carolina Hurricanes. 1996 was the year of stroll on by South Florida, do not stop and keep going to North Carolina as they all headed towards Mother Nature's favorite hurricane destination somewhere between Morehead City and Wilmington. If it was totally up to me I'd move to Morehead City for a number of reasons as the place just calls to me. The Bogue is more beautiful than Biscayne Bay and that says a lot. Feel free to Google the words "Bouge" and "North Caroliona"  but I'm just saying that this pattern of huge, big, wet hurricanes coming on years when they already had historic rainfall is setting up for a possible problem and it concerns me. Can't shake it really and as everyone talks on 1995 because "look how busy it is" it really has more in common in my mind with the 1996 set up than the 1995 intensely caffeinated hurricane season. Again time will tell, no two hurricane seasons are alike even if they are similar.

Next, I'm concerned with all the distractions going on currently that people will dismiss the Hurricane Season because of the pandemnic and the protests and obsessing too much on CHAZ in Seattle (that's for my son in case he's reading)  and no I don't mean Sonny Bono's son but the point here is while debating on which style mask to wear if you have to wear one or where you want to go as soon as "this is over" or the Presidential Election I don't want to touch at all ... people are distracted, tired and there is this sense of denial that "this can't happen" because we are too busy and honestly Mother Nature doesn't care about how tired you are or how wet you are (meteorologically) or how exhausted you are or who has Corona or who doesn't Mother Nature does what Mother Nature does and when the water is warm and the shear is forecast to be low and strong healthy waves move off of Africa in a season such as this one they will most likely go into the Caribbean under the HUMONGOUS High and head towards @icyclone's Hurricane Cottage in Pass Christian that has seen it's number of hurricanes already or they will find a weakness in the High and slide up along the East Coast scaring everyone and slamming into North Carolina. Oh, yeah we can have some nice ocean spinners as every hurricane season has dancing Fish Storms in the Atlantic.

So do you thing and prepare. Make a plan or at least a list and don't lose it. Send it to your Gmail or post it on the wall somewhere, do not write it on an old shopping list pad or in a note book where you forget it. Update the list as needed, especially with regards to any medicines you may need such as asthma, allergy or anxiety as this has been that sort of year already and I don't see any reason for it to end anytime soon just because we want it to end.

Note one of my favorite magazines that I tend to read online knows the Saharan Dust Outbreak is normal and nothing more. It's up there with Our State that is one of the best written magazines anywhere with much heart and feeling for this region of the world. You should check it out, and they do weather articles often. Good, honest hype free article below about SAL.

Mike has added a great link to his page and I don't just mean my Water Vapor Loop but a link on SAL that moves faster than your vacuumn cleaner. Yes, I am in a mood today. You're observant. Moving on along. There are many great sites online and you can Google them, but if you check Mike's site out often to see what's happening scroll down on the left side and you will find this site and the ever popular lightning site. Trust me I've stood out in a thunderstorm checking that site to see where it's moving, what's going on and waiting for the next big streak of lightning to make me go "WOW" and then check the site to see if it registered. Okay, not totally exaggerating there.

So as for me I'm going to take a walk or dance a bit for exercise or really who knows. I'm in one of those moods. Father's Day is coming and I'm putting together a package for my husband who is a Father, Stepfather and a Grandfather as well as a generally all round good guy who puts up with my love for weather and my moods and is always ready to jump in the car and go somewhere because I want to be at the beach when a storm is coming in or drive up and down the streets of Beaufort South Carolina so I can tell him over and over how much I love the Low Country and the South. But we are kind of grounded these days as we haven't taken any real road trips "because Corona" but at some point we will but for now my home base is Raleigh and it's not a bad place to be. The Flea Market isn't open :( but the Farmers Market is and it is what it is until things change. 

Have a wonderful weekend and hope you find something to do that you enjoy and if you can't go travel to see your father, children or grandchildren or don't have any and even the dog is too lazy to want to go for a long walk then find something you enjoy and do it. All men matter! Find an Uncle or a Brother to call up and tell them how wonderful they are even if you have to lie a little, because really as much as you love your siblings they can drive you crazy more than any one else but you still love them like crazy).  If you are an only child without children and sadly your father is no long with us and you have no Uncles well look in the mirror and tell youreself "DAMN I'M INCREDIBLE" and then go buy yourself something be it a candy bar at the dollar store or a red, weather radio on Amazon. You deserve it! We all do. Then wait til this is over so we can party like 1925!

Much love .... 
... Besos BobbiStorm

@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram.

Ps Hurricane History is Fran from the very busy 1996 Hurricane Season.

If you are still here, this is the bonus round ... the Extra Credit Present.

My daughter Dina loved this show and sometimes we'd watch it and it was very her and me in ways. I always loved the scenery and neither of us like to wait for things but over time you learn to wait when you have to but it turns out it was filmed in North Carolina in one of the areas here I love the most. I also love New Bern, but I'm digressing and while I'm digressing Oriental is beautiful too.  The funny part about it is that it wasn't filmed in New England, but North Carolina. See Hollywood is like that it's lies and illusions pieced together, edited and packaged with slick soundtracks and sappy love stories but in truth you gotta go out there and find your own happy ending and if you can't find that find a place that resonates and that you love and then you will be happy. Well, unless a hurricane comes cruising at you like a cruise missle and no I am not going to show a Tom Cruise scene. 

Someone here got that last joke!

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