December Snow, Tropics and Frozen Football
A picture doesn't always tell the story. Snowcover image below shows who has accumulation on the ground, however many areas got snow that fell from the sky across cities that rarely get to see snow. In fact snow fell near the Florida border and places like Houston and Raleigh got into the Winter Wonderland spirit from the storm that TWC calls Benji. I'm not sure if that is with a Y or an I but really who cares. It will be known as the "Early December Snow Fall" in many places that got the snow without the cleanup afterwards.

The Freeze outlook dives into Florida.

Hurricane Season is Over.
The NHC closed up the shop.
No daily outlooks.
Yet other agencies are always watching.

We don't really expect anything to develop.
But there are areas that could try.
Ye olde "base of a stalled out front"

Here in Raleigh.... it snowed :)
I was home on the Jewish Sabbath staring out the window.
But the above video is what it looked like ;)
There's a squeeze play going on in the tropics.
Miami people be wearing jackets and boots!

Saturday I sat on the balcony wrapped up in my new warm bathrobe with a cup of hot tea watching as snowflakes the size of postage stamps swirled down from the sky. For a Miami girl that's magical and a memory I'll savor while the next time the possibility of snow flirts with Raleigh. Next time we may have accumulation as the ground will be colder. Hard to say as Raleigh rarely gets a really snowy winter.
Up North people are buried or snowed in from this "Early December Snow Storm" and many are now wondering what winter will bring. I know what it will bring. It will bring more specially flavored coffee drinks at Starbucks most peppermint flavored or loaded with chocolate calories. Weight Watchers brought out their Free Styling Diet that I imagine will try and compete with Keto variations, Bulletproof and Paleo diets. January 1st people will promise to diet and only keep that promise until the second week of January.
I've got a candle burning on the window sill and a new comforter and I'm trying to enjoy the current winter feel in the air before I end up back in South Florida later in January. Chanukah is this week and Christmas is in a few weeks and the city is decorated bright and beautiful while people share love and warm wishes. I love December. January brings the reality of a new year and several more months of winter. What people love in December they hate in February. And those of us who deal with hurricanes are wondering on what the 2018 Hurricane Season will bring.
Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter
Ps... I hope everyone reading this gets the weather they want and the gift of love and whatever your favorite things are in your presents. And when the weather gets you down just remember that like football life goes on even when it snows. Panthers won this week and I'm happy. Hope those Buffalo fans defrost tonight.
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