Seattle Wind Storm Gets Little Coverage Even on TWC ... Hurricane Force Winds...While Weather Remains a Problem in the South. See a Lighthouse in Seattle... A Peak at Hurricane Season.
I know it's far up there near Alaska...
...But it's in the US and it should be getting more coverage on air.
I mean it's called The WEATHER Channel for a reason.
(True story..first time I flew into Seattle..
..I wondered why Che's picture was on all the planes)
Anyway, HUGE wind storm in Washington State - SeattleArea this past weekend.
A Beautiful Storm indeed.
Good blog my son turned me on to..
A wind storm wound up like a hurricane.
Power outages, trees down.
Seattle has a lot of trees...
Many came down.
You can read up on these wind storms below:
In the link above they explain how this wind storm was like another type of storm.. a hurricane. Short lived feature but the power outages will continue through tonight. Wind storms are a weather event in Seattle and Puget Sound that happen from time to time. As that sea captain told me, "Hurricane" is not just a storm in the tropics but a designation of wind speed and it's called Hurricane Ridge for a reason.
A cliff notes version for y'all is below and I say y'all because it seems all TWC is doing this morning is talking about tulips up north and the severe weather in the South.
I'm pretty sure it's called Destruction Island for a reason....
For my light house fans and I know there are many...
To be clear there is a lighthouse there hoping to stop destruction to ships at sea.
There's a rich history of destructive events . . .
Read up on it:
Seattle is so beautiful.
Many lighthouses around for tourists.
If you have kids with you go to Alki Beach.
See the light house with them.
If you don't have kids or are alone... go to Alki Beach
If you have never been to Statue of Liberty... go to Alki Beach
Some links below to explain why....
Note the lighthouse on the far left....
A view of the Statue of Liberty and the beach...
..and why I love Seattle.
It's a funky, smart, beautiful place.
Those red dots are the power outages....
Seattle and it's may suburbs is built around the water.
It sticks out in to Puget Sound much like South Florida sticks out into water.
There is water everywhere.
It's a water lovers dream.
It's more than a house boat in a movie.
And when the wind blows....
...the power goes out if it blows hard enough
Yesterday the wind blew hard enough.
Let's go wide with that shot.
When the wind blows in....wild things happen.
All about the South.
And, hey I am a Southerner.
And they are located in Atlanta...
And yes I had a wild thunderstorm last night.
Possible we may get hail today in a severe thunderstorm.
But nothing about Seattle without power?
I did hear about tulips in Boston ...
I've heard that the allergy season is coming early this year with the tulips..
But this is a big story for a large part of the country.
I'd think it's worth a little coverage.
3 Lows swirling in tandem.

Count em 8 hours ago:
Next time you're planning an Alaskan cruise out of Seattle.
Plan to stay a while in Seattle.
There is so much to do there.
And ...the wind storms are really rare.
Shop, stay, play, enjoy.
Yes I wrote a lot last week about the potential problems in the South.
And the problems played out.
Yesterday Arkansas had a warning the shape of Arkansas
As for most of the USA winter has gone away.
Note winter still holds onto the USSR.
The reason they always wanted a warm water port...
The reason we have a fertile bread basket in America..
The reason for everything is weather.
I'll be writing about the upcoming hurricane season soon.
There is an ongoing argument going on to as what this season will be like.
As many arguments on El Nino that some see staying and some see going.
Almost as wide a divide as there is between Bernie and Trump.
I guess we'll have to wait a while to see how this drama plays out.
But Hurricane Season 2016 will play out faster the end game for the election.
Remember that and I'd say it will be an early season.
Why you ask?
I watch Africa even in the off season.
Stay tuned.
So keep watching.

Stay tuned.
And hey the good thing about having friends in high places is..
....finally TWC is showing a little coverage ;) of the NW.
Besos BobbiStorm
Ps A song dedicated to Seattle and my love/hate relationship with TWC
TWC... love them... hate them.
Still watch it... still talk late at night...
Hey you can't give up the weather can ya ???
(said to me after I told someone I would never talk to them again EVER...)
Rolling eyes
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