Nick Saban Can Win in Miami when he's coaching Alabama and they beat the Irish & Why Jeff Ireland Needs to Go
There's never too much tide... if it's Alabama Rolling their way to the National Championship :)
So, I edited the headline a bit.................
Okay, am a bit of a SEC girl... especially when playing a team from up north like Notre Dame.
I know a lot of people who hate Nick Saban. I don't ... not one of the haters. When he made that fateful decision to leave the Miami Dolphins it was like watching a man be released from jail for a crime he did not commit.
I think he does an amazing job anywhere he lands except for Miami...which says a lot about the Miami Dolphins organization which needs a new brain, a transfusion of life and a new General Manager. Jeff Ireland has been the General Manager since 2008 and he has failed to turn around a team that the last GM failed to turn around. Is the problem the owner or the GM or both or what? Are they sitting up there in their fancy ivory castle that only gets sold out for the BCS Game and watching old reruns of the Perfect Season? Something is very wrong with the Miami Dolphin organization and I'd start with the GM as a city cannot ask to have a new owner it seems.
We are being held hostage by the Ghost of the Perfect Season and Seasons Past...
Alabama's romp over Notre Dame, a previously unbeaten team, shows that Nick Saban CAN win in Miami, just not with the Miami Dolphins. Many highly touted players who did not win big in Miami have left and gone on to other teams and shined there as have members of losing coaching staffs at the Fins. Why? It's a question which begs an answer.
Someone possibly offered that answer to Jeff Ireland earlier this year and he told off the "fan" so loudly he had to make a public apology.
Miami deserves a public apology and it's a farewell speech from Jeff Ireland.
But, this column today is not about Jeff Ireland, it's about Nick Saban's Alabama team that lost the chance of getting a Shut Out, but trampled the Irish.
Two things are obvious here.
1. The SEC rocks, rolls and out plays most other division's best teams. Even the losers in the SEC are winners when they play other teams.
2. Saban's teams can win IN Miami, just not with the horrible organization the Miami Dolphins have here and have had here for years.
And, sometimes you got to be smart enough to walk away from a losing situation and win somewhere else and yes...that doesn't just refer to football but to life in general.
The goal of football is NOT to play well in the 4th quarter, but to play well in ALL the quarters and to win. And, to quote a great song you want to live your life extraordinary, not with a mediocre organization that has raised mediocrity to a sadistic art form.
I've always had divided loyalties. I'm a BIG, HUGE UM Fan... my father attended THE U way back when they were lucky when they beat Wake Forest and as soon as the began beating the Gators they got kicked off the Gator schedule and into a different division. Hmnnnnn.
My uncle went to UF and the first song I ever learned was the Gator Fight Song.
That got to respect a team that becomes a legend and doesn't just rest on it's laurels remembering the days of Bear Bryant, but who goes out and makes it happen again.
Now THAT is DRAMA...
And, Virginia....the weather ain't adding much drama to life today here in Carolina.
Tomorrow brings a chance of strong weather down by the coast or as we say Down East.
Texas has a chance to let it's storm chasers romp a bit today...
But all the news that's fit to print in my life today is about Football. I may watch a little too much ESPN, but hey when TWC is talking about the FLU vs Weather.... a girl's got to do what a girls got to do...
Besos Bobbi
Ps...Showing a little Southern Pride for the Crimson Tide today! A real shame Amari Cooper didn't sign with The U but he made the right decision for his own future and a winning decision for Alabama.

Home boy... Miami Northwestern .... the kid has heart and can play his heart out. Read up on him, he's going to go far..
Alabama Songs :) below.. Tide is High :) (even Jimmy's singing about Bama not the Fins now)
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