Cyclone Evan & a Cold Day in Newtown

Low pressure reigns across the nation today as gray skies and sad hearts tend to keep us preoccupied with the news from Newtown vs the weather.
I'm sure some big weather story will come along and blow some of the coverage it's way, but we as a nation seem to be in a week of mourning over the loss of so many young lives and brave teachers. We also seem to be focusing on the problems of dealing with mental health problems in this nation as the killer was not a well young man.
Far away in the Fiji Islands the name Evan not Sandy is on the minds of the people there as a Category 4 hurricane battered that beautiful island nation with sustained winds in excess of 185 mph.

It's far away and on the other side of the world and we are preoccupied with our side of the world, but weather goes on whether you watch it or not.
The weather in Newton today is cold and gray and dreary with the threat of cold rain as the first of the children are buried today. Jewish Law dictates funerals as soon as possible and so Noah Pozner is being buried today. It's hard for a family who does everything right and tries to move their children to a better place with a better school and less crime still cannot hide from a random act of violence.

We try to do the best for our children and as I have often joked to my friends that "control is an illusion" and when asked how I raised my kids, many as a single divorced mother, I would say seriously "I gave up the illusion of control" because that is what it illusion.
We try to do our best. We try to show them love. We try and protect them. We worry over their crossing the street when young, taking baths by themselves, doing their homework, their choice of friends and we move from childhood fears to how fast they drive and whether or not they take us seriously when we talk about safe sex and drugs and anything else that comes along to keep us awake at night when they are out at a party somewhere.
We can't be everywhere and even then being by their side is not enough.
There is a fund set up for Noah whose Hebrew name was Shmuel... and a good site online for more info. I hope all of the information is correct as there have been a lot of nonsense by fake people online playing sick games regarding this tragedy.
You have to wonder... how they felt moving there..dealing with the power outages of Sandy and now this tragedy... if they made the wrong decision or if they are going to stay there and go on.
How do any of them go on? With faith, with love and help from family and friends.
Besos Bobbi
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