Foggy Morning in Myrtle Beach... Record Snow in Minneapolis & Cold Morning in Maine
They named this storm Caesar the way... and it's moving East...
Check it out here:
Minnesota as mentioned earlier got their big snow storm. A record snowfall of over 10 inches it seems. Mike Seidel is out there in the snow while I'm here listening to the roar of the ocean...
Beautiful, really.....
Drove down to Myrtle Beach for the big Chabad Menorah Lighting at Margaritaville.
If you have never been there... it is so worth the trip. So much to do in MB... the beach for one, golf courses if that is your thing, shopping at Broadway on the Beach (great Victoria Secrets..) and places for kids, for teens and for older people... and rooms with a view of sunrise and falling asleep listening to the crashing surf...
How could I resist being part of lighting a Chanukah Menorah here??
Temperatures around 70 on December 9th ...a Sunday drive...
Sunset at Broadway at the Beach... by Margaritaville :)
Lighting the menorah... dancing, art projects for the kids... jelly doughnuts for all :)
Even the kids had fun.. not to mention the doughnuts ;)
Cute part is I remember years back taking my youngest son and nephew to Key West Chabad
and they made these menorah pictures...after a long walk from Duval Street :)
So, you are this a blog about the weather or Chanukah or why I love Jimmy Buffett?
Yes... to all.
There are days that come along when the weather is perfect, there is nothing holding you back from acting on an impulse and going out somewhere and... if you don't say "yes" you sit regretting the drive you didn't take, the game you didn't go to..the racetrack you never saw... the golf game you missed... the people you never met and the things you never did...
It is so easy in our busy lives to think practically and figure we can do it next year... but next year comes and you have to be somewhere else.. or maybe the Mayans have it right and there is no next year??? If that is the case... I'm going to spend as much time as possible at Margaritaville :)
Seriously.... we check the weather. The cold front is back in Minneapolis and at the Green Bay game.. forecast to be moving east later today... edging into my neck of the woods. Checked out the temperature for Myrtle Beach and it was 70 degrees. Let me say that again.. it was forecast to be SEVENTY DEGREES just before sunset. That means.. no sweaters and walking around hand in hand with my husband watching the sunset over the water .. listening to Jimmy Buffett and then helping set up for the people who would come to watch the menorah lighting... catching up with old friends, making new friends... Seventy Degrees on a Sunday on Chanukah...
When God gives you a gift... you say "YES" and "THANK YOU LORD" and get in the car and go..
Yup, life IS that simple... and when you get appreciate it.
My father loved all Detroit teams...started out a Tiger fan and then.. moved on to the other teams. My brother asked me a while back "how come he never went to Detroit and watched a game?" and the answer is my mother always says "no" to everything... all trips.. she hates long drives, doesn't fly, doesn't take boats... stays home and my father never pushed so he watched at home on TV which is not always easy from Miami ... he caught a game here and there. Maybe that worked for him.. but it bothers my brother.
You learn as you get older not to pass up on golden opportunities and I learned a lot from my kids who never give up a chance to go somewhere... Panama... the Caribbean... Israel.. Iowa... anyway..
There are days when it's snowing or raining or there is "freezing fog" and there are days when you are sick and can't just get in the car and go for a drive..
But..............when you can.... just do it as the Nike generation loved to say... "just do it" and enjoy it.
I am writing this while listening to the ocean roaring outside my door of this very nice hotel where as the sign says "when the temperature drops, so do our prices" and you can get a great deal in Myrtle Beach this time of year... I feel like I'm on a ship at sea... with the ocean out the window.

Winter is coming East... bad weather, messy weather. Hope the fog lifts by Noon lol.
Okay, I did know we might have fog this morning ... but by the time we leave it shouldn't be a problem..
And, the foggy days remind me of life in LA and the beach at Santa Monica which I did in the 80s..
So... from my hotel room to your world.. Happy Chanukah :) and have a wonderful day!
And, if you have to ship stuff it fast as time is slip, slip, slipping away...
Besos Bobbi
Ps.. Look at that Snow in Oklahoma and Texas ;)
There's an old joke ... anywhere you go in the world there is Coca Cola and Chabad... so true. If you are in need of a Chabad House or want to enjoy a menorah lighting tonight at Tommy Bahama... check them out... or check out your local Chabad to see what Chanukah program they are doing near you..and if you need a menorah or candles...they have them ready to give you..
Monday, December 10th, 4pm at The Market Common, Park near Tommy Bahama 3044 Howard Avenue. Doughnuts, Music and Special Holiday Show!!
Put in your zipcode and it will tell you where the party is ...
If you want to watch the menorah lightings from Paris to LA.. enjoy:
Oh boy. At least you were enjoying the storm elsewhere. Myrtle Beach is a wonderful place to enjoy seeing everyone fight the snow storms. My husband and I have been staying in Myrtle beach vacation homes for years now, just around this time. It is just great to wake up to the ocean, then turn on the TV and see that it snowed at home. Hope you had a great time.
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