ICE Makes a Mess in Texas, Chicago still Snowless...
So... winter tries to make a comeback. It is working out the kinks as Mother Nature seems to have taken it on the road before moving to the big White Way or trying to make NYC look like it has a Big White Way again.. Chicago is snowless too if we are keeping records this winter of 2012-2013.
Then son got married in Chicago in the winter of 2007 to a girl whose family lived in Postville, Iowa. Everyone worried on how I would handle the "COLD" UP NORTH in the MIDDLE OF THE WINTER. Understand I did not have a winter coat, let alone snow boots... though I did have a pir of awesome winter shoes from when I went to visit my best friend in Maine a few years earlier on MLK weekend. I bought the shoe/boots in a thrift store in Miami for $7. I had worn them maybe 7 times at the most ever. They were "like" brand new when I bought them... practically still are as I don't use them much in Miami. I didn't have scarves or sweaters and I HATE layers. The wedding was to take place Chabad style outside at sunset in February in Chicago.. In 2007 I didn't understand that my nice high heel suede brown boots I wore in Miami would not be doable in the snow up north as they had no "grooves" on the souls... I didn't know my warm winter long sleeve shirt that barely covered my elbows was basically a "tee shirt" up north and what you wear UNDER "winter clothes" in Iowa in the winter...
I'd been to Minnesota often.. but only in the summer.
Everyone was nervous about the weather and the wedding. My gown was "warm" as it had a velvet top but a satin bottom to the ballgown and ... not something to stand outside in at sunset in Chicago in NY...
I got to Postville and the trees were budding it was so warm. Warm being relative...there had been no snow all winter. They were worried on the early budding and a cold front was on the way that was supposed to bring snow. It snowed on Shabbos... for the first time all winter. My brother saw snow for the first time... in an hour the land was transformed to a winter wonderland and looked more like Siberia than Brooklyn in a snow storm. Crazy, wild... people wrapped scarves around me and layers Friday night when we left the family house to walk home to where we were staying. It felt like my eye balls were freezing........... then it got warm again.
A month later, in Chicago... in the middle of February we arrived...all the Meyers which trust me is a lot and all of our winter clothes we pieced together from friends, thrift shops and well meaning relatives. We don't really sell "winter clothes" in Miami even in Winter... usually you find good deals at upscale thrift shops that have whatever people bought for a trip 'up north" or the coat them came down to Florida in and never expect to wear again...............
Mid February.... a warm day, so warm that we were dying of the heat because the hotel could not turn on the AC (they claimed it took 3 days.. big system) and they didn't want us to open the windows. My son barely wore a sweater as he went out with my brother to see the city early in the morning of the wedding. My other son was wearing a tee shirt and his favorite torn jeans... so much for the winter clothes we shlepped. The day of the wedding...the temperature hit 78 degrees at around 4pm...
SEVENTY EIGHT DEGREES.... talking Miami weather... I wore my fancy sandal high heels and NO coat over the not so warm ballgown and no one could believe how warm it was...
The hotel brought in HUGE fans for the ballroom... to move the air around as we needed air conditioning not heat...
Records set during 2007:
March 13th (73)
March 25th (79)
March 26th (79)
Everyone talks like this is nuts and it never happens... but it does happen...again and again and it's not because the world is ending or because the poles are about to flip but because weather is daily day to day life and climate is the average of all those days it was -3 averaged in with the one or two days it was 79 degrees.
The next day late at night a front went through and there was a small wintry mix... not enough time to really bother with our winter clothes though it was cold when the front came in while we were sightseeing on Lake Shore Drive... wow... now THAT'S wind.
So....................regarding the lack of snow in happens.
It is NOT unprecedented... just happens less than being snowed under like the winter of 1978...when the snow was so deep people could not find their cars..
I'm rambling here...old school style as it seems I used to ramble more years ago :)
No snow here in NC and I took a walk yesterday and saw a few trees budding.
Will it snow? Or won't it snow? No one seems to know...
February 8, 2007... a post ... from when it snowed in Postville... no snow, then snow...
Some years are like 1978 and Chicago is buried in snow... some years it's not.
Enjoy it...get out and enjoy it!
My magazine in the mail was freezing cold today for the first time in weeks... I have barely worn a winter coat and have barely worn layers ( I HATE LAYERS) and when my husband brought me the mail his lips were cold and I giggled... winter is back...though we still don't have snow and the magazine is already showing Spring Styles.
Will it snow or not?
Here's a great story that explains why Chicago has no snow better than I can explain it.
Oddly we haven't had cold weather in the Carolinas BECAUSE of the same Bermuda High that can often protect us in the summer. It's parked just off shore or onshore... making it very hard for cold weather to move this way...
That seems to have changed...
Keep watching but remember January 7th of this year I wrote about Ice Storms forming along the Southern Jet that was setting up and I was right...............and it did.
Ice Storm... day 2 in parts of the South...
Sorry for rambling so much today... a lot going on in my mind today... a lot of memories and thoughts and songs and am going to get up, go out and finish my day.... in the cold gray rain.
Wishing for snow... or ice... or snow... what do you wish for?
We all have addictions and things we wish for... I guess... mine is weather... <--- by="by" loops="loops" music="music" p="p" to="to" watch="watch">

Besos Bobbi
Ps... sorry, if you thought I was going to post Build Me Up Buttercup you are in the wrong movie.. seriously.............
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