Yellow Circle in the Bahamas
Sitting there looking awfully close to Florida and awfully confusing when you look at the models. I've heard of spaghetti models, but this looks more like a bouquet of roses... falling everywhere.. out of the vase...onto the floor, the table...
The problem is the front that is hanging just to my south and east that gave Raleigh a cold, damp day and Wilmington Beach not that far away had weather in the 80s. Early, strong fronts that are not reliable like the moon... to misquote Shakespeare.
Have to ask your forgiveness here as we had a big Sukkoth Party here .. here as in at my house and a few homes nearby and I was busy all day with that and preparing for the Jewish Holiday of Simchas Torah. So, time is short and there isn't much to say for sure...except that it is there and definitely worth watching.

The wave behind it looks interesting, so does the Invest area...
Keep watching and check in with for all your hurricane tracking information.
Isn't that a beautiful picture above... so beautiful. Nothing as beautiful as watching a satellite image of the world ... so beautiful.
I'll be back Tuesday evening... til then...
Sweet Tropical Dreams Bobbi
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