Snow, Fog, Rain and Football!

It's been a weekend of weather.
It was foggy this morning in the South Florida area and that fog may have contributed to a small plane collision out near Alligator Alley.
Early reports said it was a factor, later reports didn't mention it. Not sure... just know it was a bit foggy which is par for December.
It snowed in New York or rather in Brooklyn last night. The first snow of the year. Everyone gets like a child and posts pictures online. Here are a few I liked... the snow comes down against a wet glistening sidewalk... light snow but a snow.

watch the snow coming down...

The Miami Dolphins played the Buffalo Bills in Toronto in a DOMED STADIUM and instead of the weather being 12 degrees in Buffalo (feels like was negative 7) they played inside in Toronto. They also won. They won big. A win is a win! I emailed back and forth with my brother in Greece (where anarchist students were rioting...) and texted my sons during the game. Nice to be able to stay together over sports. Better sports than sadness.
It's cool here, a damp cold that is hard to explain to people up north who make fun of us Miamains who complain its cold when its 60 degrees but I have lived up north and I have lived in parts of California and trust me when its damp, cold and windy in Miami it's colder than you think..
So... Dolphins won and went from being a 1-15 team last year to a 8-5 team this year and in the play for the playoffs.. amazing.
As for me I am going offline, going to read, watch the Baltimore/Washington game, relax... try to unwind and get ready for a new work week.
One kid is at the pizza shop (Jonas) and another kid is ordering in sushi... life is easier than you think with the crew I have... the Jets fan is probably off somewhere drinking his supper..
And, with the wonders of the internet not only did I talk to Sruly and Jay and Moe all night but I video conferenced my beautiful daughter in Ottawa who was filling out report cards and wanted my thoughts while she gave me a video tour of her classroom and projects they are making for Chanukah before she ran off to do some Latte and Learn at the local Starbucks with the college students. Nonstop energy that girl has... and she was wearing my top in green she got from Old Navy..
All day... online with my kids, even talked to my grandson on video conference, at night I talk to Shayna.. talk to my friend, the world is the world we thought it would be when we were little and we thought one day there would be video phones. It truly is amazing... facebook updates me with mobile updates and my brothers music is playing on myspace :)

Love that pic...
Love my brother...
Can't send the pics Shay and I took tonight because we were laughing so hard, we were dressed the same... and giggling. Good to giggle again. To know Shayna is to smile and laugh...roll my eyes and smile.
What a global world we live in these days... enjoy your part of the world tonight!
Be well...Bobbi
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