Paloma Possibly Forming.. Planes Going In NHC Goes RED.. with RED BOX Up

Yes.. I said Red Box not the Red Sox.. ;)
Seriously, the country may have gone blue for Obama last night but the NHC has gone Red! Well.. maybe it's a circle but it's red.
From their own words this morning "AN AIR FORCE RESERVE HURRICANE HUNTER
So... listen up everyone in the Caribbean (which includes South Florida) keep an eye on the system that could be Paloma by the end of the day.
Good blog/site to watch is as this would be a Caribbean storm and people need to pay attention. November storms can bring surprises. A lot depends on the timing of the front. Cannot imagine that it could really come north towards Florida but might set up one heck of a wind event if the pressure gradient becomes to strong. Cuba... and the Greater Antilles need to pay close attention.
As for the election last night... very strong, good speech by John McCain who is one amazing man who lent out his hand and heart to Obama who gave one beautiful, moving acceptance speech.
I have no problems with a Black President or a Man of Color being President as he truly is a mix of what makes America the wonderful country it is, truly the Promised Land in so many ways. Anyone who knows me really well (best friends and old boyfriends.. ) knows I don't see color I see people. But.. I do have things I believe in and hold dear such as life and Israel and I do not like Obama's current foreign policy adviser's nor do I agree with his Pro-Choice stance. And, being how my favorite singer is Willie Nelson.. I don't see age either I guess. Oddly, the same people in NJ who insisted McCain was too old to be president according to exit polls re-elected an 84 year old Senator back for a 5th Term.. proving I suppose that they feel you don't need mental awareness and good health to be a member of the Senate but you need it for the Presidency... Hmmmmmnnnn ... Seriously....let's get real here...
My son Levi and his best friend Jon went over to FIU and party hardied and watched Obama's acceptance speech on the big screen there. I know how they feel.. I voted for Jimmy Carter, I was so impressed... looking back it was not one of my better decisions politically but hey.. I was young and thought it was great that he ran a different campaign and didn't conform to the norm and he would make changes.
I was young once too ;) and I still hope for change in America on many issues such as health care and I hope and pray that President Obama can bring that change he so hopes for.. and has promised to achieve. Just know and remember that others before him also promised change and we ended up with more of the same.
It's a great beautiful vision to see a man whose father came from Kenya to America to college to have an opportunity and an education and a woman who was not prejudiced to be with a man of a different color who she loved give birth to this man who truly shows what a promised land America is.. for education, for opportunity, for tolerance and for forgiveness.
It's a beautiful land.. a wonderful country and I am proud to be an American.
But.. I worry on Jerusalem and Israel and my friends who live in the land that many call occupied territories but that I call Israel. As a Jew who worries on Israel and it's right to exist and it's right to be left alone and to be not pushed by America or any country to give back what is rightfully theirs.. their land the land of Israel and I want a Jerusalem not divided. And the right to defend themselves from a country such as Iran who has a leader who has been very clear on how he feels and his wish to destroy Israel. Hard having conflicting political desires and you have to know your priorities. The land of Israel is the Promised land for the Jews...promised and given in the bible and lived in since biblical time began so that worries me.
But I'll have to have faith and as one of my favorite ex-bosses who was a good mentor to me who I learned so much from.. a "woman of color" as always called herself who I am sure partied all night for Obama's win... as Mrs. Brown would say, "sometimes you got to step out on faith girl" and so I am stepping out on faith and hoping and praying that Obama will live up to his promises and words and continue to make America proud. And, maybe the Castro brothers can stop spreading the lie to the Cuban people that in America black people don't have any rights and are not treated with respect. There are some more changes around the planet I would like to see and one is saying goodbye to the Castro Brothers and Communism in Cuba.
So... keep watching and paying attention to the tropics, be proud of America that we are the country we are and move on and pull together and be proud... we should all be proud of America today!
Locally... the Diaz-Balart Brothers held onto their seats which makes me as a Miamian happy and proud. What most people round the country don't know is they are close relatives of Castro... living out their dreams here and working to build a democratic country.
Miami .. what a beautiful crazy city. Woke up this morning early, jumped on the bus just after 6am and watched the people of Little Haiti celebrate on the bus... the high fives and the thumbs up and the strange little lady who took a pic of Obama and cut it out and put it over some 3 dollar bill from Haiti she had on her.. the Spanish people, the tourists looking nervous lol, the locals going to work, riding through the city on the bus.. watching America come to life before my eyes. Kind of inspiring and poetic in it's way.
We are a composite of everything in America... we are black and white and Spanish and Jewish and Native American and Southern and Western and bits and pieces of everything and every place ... America is my land but a part of my heart is in Jerusalem and I will just Step Out on Faith and believe that everything will be fine, fine, fine...
Wait for updates on Possibly Paloma.. and we can put an end to the politics and move on to giving Thanks and Thanksgiving now ;)
Besos Bobbi... thanks for sharing my morning coffee break, had cafecito at 7:30 before starting work and now am on my American Coffee ;)
Go America!
Go Paloma...
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