Election Day - Tropical Tidbits On Invest 93 In Carib

Okay today's blog is going to start off on topic and then wander around a bit as November storms usually do.
Invest 93:

Sits down in the SW Carib meandering around but there is now as much model convergence as there is between the major network news shows. Some models take it to the NE and others are beginning to show it moving west eventually towards the Pacific.

Jeff Masters is still blogging on the tropics and you can read his view here, he has promised to update but hasn't. Perhaps he is standing in a poll voting..or waiting for the morning polls from the NHC on whether they are going to keep the circle orange as it is now or go down to yellow. Don't fret...go out to vote, nothing is happening here immediately ya know..
As for the non-tropical weather... Accuweather has a nice write up on weather around the country.
Again...here's the pic:

Here's the link to info on weather on election day:
Love to see what Joe has to say but I no longer have my 30 day trial membership I do every Hurricane Season. I checked TWC and they no longer have the Tropical Update on so.. the hurricane season is obviously over and so is my reason to watch TWC.
If you think weather does not affect elections it does and has... an early freak snow storm or a late season tropical storm, bad weather in big cities or a sunny Autumn day... trust me weather changes everything.
Here's a good article from Jstor..there are many more.
Astrologically ... Saturn is opposing Uranus today. Saturn would be the Old Man of the race John McCain a man whose life has been a struggle and a lesson against the man who best typifies Uranus... the man who wants to make a massive change and overturn the order Barak Obama.. Mr. Uranus. Do you want experience and learned knowledge or a quest to upset the order and vote for change? This aspect hits today on election day and is in fact the spirit of today's election.
Here are some thoughts from Yahoo Astrology not the best but a good round up of the days cosmic weather:
Daily Cosmic Calendar
by Mark Lerner for Astrology.com, 3 hours 59 minutes ago
"today's main course -- the first of five Saturn-Uranus oppositions (5:34AM PST) stretching out until late July of 2010." To say this is challenging is the understatement of the year. These planets form polarities around every 43 -- 45 years. They are definite rivals in which battle lines are drawn between the past and the future, tradition versus innovation, order versus rebellion, logic versus intuition, the status-quo versus revolutionary changes, and the list goes on."
He mentions Moon being Void of Course.. not good for election day if you ask me. "Keep in mind that the Moon is still void and thereby in unreliable shape until it enters Aquarius (4:03PM PST)."
I might add there we move towards change as the moon moves into Aquarius ruled by Uranus from Capricorn ruled by Saturn which benefits the Uranus Man Barak Obama not the Saturn one John McCain. That's simplistic but even had I not watched the news today and the daily polls and someone had asked me based on pure astrological aspects I would have given them that thought so giving it to you... anyone here who might be interested in my cosmic weather election forecast. Either way it is worth noting that both John McCain and Barak Obama have some rather sucky aspects coming up affecting Obama's Mars in Virgo and McCain's Sun and Venus in Virgo. You heard it here first ...
In Miami Gwen Margolis is running for property appraiser. I know Gwen from way back, she had an office in my father's building on Miami Beach. I had her speak for me a few times when I was running various women's organizations, she is a professional politician. She's always running for something. IF she loses will she run for Dogcatcher next? I voted for the Shedd guy... hey how could I not??? There are limits to patience and trust and sometimes it's time to stop running and just live life. I cannot deal with people who spend their whole lives trying to be the person they once were... it's time to move on. No..that was NOT a vote for Rob Reiner lol. It's time to vote. If you need help finding your polling place (?!?!) check it out on facebook:
And.. I am moving on. Going to straighten my bangs and get dressed and go get some Starbucks.
Get out and vote if you have not voted early already as most in my family did. My daughter Dina voted this morning early in District 54 (no not Car 54 we know where you are) which is your typical Brooklyn, NY, USA polling place a few blocks away from the Brooklyn Library on Eastern Parkway and Flatbush Avenue. From her facebook mobile upload.. says it all :)

Besos Bobbi ;)
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