Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Tuesday.. A Day of Tropical Change?

Here's a loop to look at that shows the slow stop of the air flow east to west in the Southwest Carib as moisture begins to gather and pull up vs towards the Pacific.

Look at those last loops? Could this be a long shot victory on election day for the 2008 Atlantic Hurricane Season and throw one last storm into the wrench before winter?

Then again the Canadian whose vote never counts is brewing up a storm off the Carolinas.

I don't know..there is some sort of hand off of energy from the Carib north towards the Carolina.. that I see... will it develop? Not sure..but I wouldn't be Bobbi if I didn't at least mention it, put it out there and give y'all a heads up on some possible changes of a tropical nature.

Don't you love the first Monday after they change the clock?? So awake, so much blue in the sky... so little sleep and yet you feel so good ;)

Yup.... change of time in Miami but hey.... still have the Yellow Tree from NC on my computer to remind me that elsewhere time is dancing on ;) (giggling, rolling eyes)

Oh Lordie... You got one more day before election madness tomorrow and I am going to savor the Fins win and doesn't hurt that the Patriots lost on the day before election day.

Besos Bobbi


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