Winter Solstice Weekend... Where's the Snow? Chanukah Begins Sunday Evening. Christmas Later This Week. A Look at this Holiday Weather Scene and Some Advice... Just Breathe and Enjoy It All!!

Don't you feel sometimes like this loop ... like playing roulette?
Maybe this front??
Maybe next front???
It can easily be found at
Scroll down past the snow maps for winter.
Yes, it's winter not the Hurricane Season.
And I'm here tracking the weather.
And debating what to do this week.
Note the snow line is up near...
..well way up there.
It's not happening this week here.
And I am not going up to the mtns so... in Raleigh this weekend!
And that's good too....
Here are my thoughts on weather today.
And the coming week.
In parts... 1 ... 2...and a Ps.
Part 1. #weather #blogging #vlogging ? Having fun #winter #weather #weekend— BobbiStorm (@BobbiStorm) December 20, 2019
and Part 2...
Part 2 #winter #weather #blogging #vlogging #ranting #holidayshopping #holidaytravel #wheresthesnow— BobbiStorm (@BobbiStorm) December 20, 2019
and PS...
And a #ps because every story needs a PS. #blog will be up soon. Have a wonderful #winter #solstice #Chanukah & pre #Christmas #weekend Just enjoy the day.— BobbiStorm (@BobbiStorm) December 20, 2019
Everyone is stressing about winter and I do not mean to sound like you know who on Twitter but OH MY GOSH...get a grip it's not a Category 5 Hurricane barreling down towards your town nor is it the Great Wall Street Blizzard of 1888 it's just winter weather (you may want to Google that) and winter weather does what winter weather does in that it makes everyone go nuts on the chance for snow and or nothing happens and then bars make money as people drown their disappointment in rum, bourbon or whatever y'all drink these days.
#snow #squall in #Brooklyn. One minute blue skies ... next snowing sideways ... heavy...pretty.— BobbiStorm (@BobbiStorm) December 18, 2019
My daughter sent me that video from Brooklyn.
It flew through and was gone that fast.
Note the Snow Squall got lots of #Selfies ;)
There are some truths in life and one of those is never believe the models far out and never trust a forecast during the winter if you don't like in North Dakota more than 3 or 4 days out. You may hope all you want but hold off on the trusting until you see the snowflakes falling. And, if you hate winter weather may I suggest a trip to Miami Beach where you can walk down Lincoln Road on the holidays and see palm trees blowing in the balmy breeze lit up with neon lights as locals put on their winter finest and tourists run around in flip flops lathered up in sun tan oil. Miami Beach and Key West Holiday time is about the best it gets me been there. Usually I would go to Key West for the Winter Solstice... just my thing when I lived in Miami. Now I live in North Carolina and I love, love, love the way the trees look without leaves and how I can see the sky and feel cooler air but not freezing air and this year I promised myself I am NOT going to get caught up in hype about some system 10 days out that might give me a few flakes of snow melting on contact with the ground. If I want snow that bad I just need to go where the snow is and in this neck of the woods that usually means anywhere North of the Virginia State line...or the mountains.
Time and Date is one of the best sites around.
I'm knee deep in holiday presents and that means my "gift table" is covered in dinosaurs that look like they are on the rampage next to eye shadow palettes and size 2 T clothing along with Chanukah Candy, Cookies and Coffee (don't ask ...pretty sure we must be related to Jim Cantore somehow because nothing says love in my family like COFFEE) ..and chocolate.
So have a wonderful weekend ...if you be celebrating Chanukah like I am give up worrying how to spell it correctly and enjoy it. There's a Chabad somewhere near you lighting a Menorah in public so go enjoy it (Google it) or just stay home, light the them flicker and glow and enjoy some hot chocolate or hot coffee ;) and make a beautiful memory in your mind. Solstice fun is available too I'm sure and as for Christmas stores are open til Midnight in most places and feel free to spread around some economic, financial happiness and don't lose site of the real meaning of these holidays beyond the wrapping paper and Christmas songs stuck in your mind like they are in mine trust me...
Own them.. make them your own... enjoy them...whether with family or alone. Do what you love and love what you do and I hope you get the weather you want and if not...there's always News Year Day 2020... maybe next week.
As for the great hyped winter storm that is like a tropical storm (it's not) down in the GOM near Florida and the one day of gray rainy day in Florida... enjoy the wind and the surf at the beach and it's going to hug the Carolina coast (as every tropical system did) and move out to sea. Just breathe... and enjoy your favorite song.
Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram.
Ps...No Benny Friedman is not my child lol but very close with him and his family. My son did produce this video and I remember when he was going crazy trying to find enough candles for it to come out just right and he nailed it because it's a beautiful video ...with a good tune, good meaning to think on... and now this song will be stuck in my mind all day :)
Happy Chanukah Bobbi! Enjoy family and the Holidays!
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