Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Hot Water in the Tropics! June Probably Not Too Soon for Tropical Development. Use Your Time Wisely.... 4 Days til Hurricane Season Begins.


Currently tropics quiet.

Unfortunately Texas is not quiet weather wise!

Currently I'm on the way home from a preseason vacation in South Florida. Been watching the tropics, but barely been online as I had a busy schedule. And, when I wasn't involved in various events, I was doing some Hurricane History research with some materials I was able to look through and pick up to take home to continue research in Raleigh. 

The water is hot across a wide area, and that's a problem. However, it takes more than HOT water to get hurricanes spinning. Shear across the basin or a strong, fast flow will knock the tops off of anything trying to develop. Generally the talk is the MJO is moving into position to possible give a kick to the start of the season in the near future. Time will tell. But, as I said in the post above, any convection that lingers over those hot waters in conjunction with a lowering of shear and with any possible pressure drops "could" help get things spinning. 85 degrees will definitely support tropical development in early June! So stay tuned, as June may not be too soon in 2024! As for areas to watch, currently this area is highlighted in the SW Carib and there is a large convective mass there currently.

I'll post tomorrow and will be back to posting daily and updating on Twitter my thoughts. This vacation has been busy and the weather beastly hot. Lots of awesome things to do and some not so awesome news I have heard on a close friend of mind. And, then good news mixes in with sad news and the water only gets hot, hot and hotter. 

I miss being "home" in North Carolina. I miss the Farmers Market (really) and my room and books and things I play with as the hurricane season moves closer day by day. So stay tuned and thanks for your patience.

Today I had breakfast with my daughter in a restaurant and while looking outside I realized it was pouring in one part of the parking lot and the other part of the parking lot was dry. Such is life in tropical Miami, it often rains on one side of the street and not the other.  Honest. Seriously. 

As for my site of the day:
One of the best sites online to help South Floridians and the rest of y'all to prepare for hurricane season. And, most people online know I am a huge fan of Phil Ferro on WSVN, who always graciously gives info, answers questions online with emphasis on educating and informing as many people as he can with as little ego that you'll ever see from a meteorologist! A sweet man!

More tomorrow, more to come....
Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram

Ps for those who wonder, no I am not Cuban but I was raised in Little Havana in Miami so I suppose I think I'm Cuban ;) And, to be honest... I have 3 little granddaughters who call me Abuela Bobbi ;) 


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