Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Monday, May 20, 2024

May in the Tropics.. A Look Back to 2012. Twister Wxr Goes On & On This Year. Strong Westbound African Wave for May..or June into Too Hot Water for May.


At look at the Tropics today!!

If you are someone like me and a friend of mine who loves maps and geography, Zoom Earth is a treasure chest of images and there is a myriad of ways to unlock the mysteries of the tropics from humidity to pressures and when there is a named storm they track it with all the coordinates from the advisories as if you were doing it old school wise on paper yourself! You can see where it came from and where it's going, it's a very useful site that allows you to access information easily. For me that's important for me to mention, because if you are a meteorologist by hobby or by profession you know every site there is and often the better ones have a learning curve that's hard for the newbie or person starting out to grasp and use properly. Sites such as Zoom Earth and Windy are both easy for the beginner to use and fun for people who know how to navigate the more Academic sites that take a while to learn as well. So this is my site for the day, and I may play a bit on it today while packing for Florida as I'm going "home" to Miami though home is also the Carolinas these days.  

So many filters to use .... can literally play all day!

Site of the Day Officially.
Zoom Earth for ease of use and beauty of it!

Current wave of interest.
Interest as in "what do you think you're doing?"
Stubbron wave things it's early August....

So here is  our anomalous African Wave.
At some point they fizzle in June.
This is May.

Normally we watch these waves the way we watch a neighbors cat across the street doing quirky, funky things in their front yard because we are bored. This year, the water is so hot out in the distant Atlantic, it's interesting to see a big red ball of fire on satellite imagery not fizzle as soon as it hits the water. If this continues with this one or others, how far can they go? Often we have early storms that form into Tropical Depressions, maybe make Tropical Storm status and then as they near the Caribbean Islands they begin toi peter out and I'm talking late June and early July not Mid to Late May. 

Normally..... it takes a while for oranges to fill in.
Not this year.

82 degrees is warm water.
Can support some development.
Should shear not be an issue.

Usually areas close in show early development.
Close in to SE coast not Africa....

Why is this relevant today?

Besides the stubborn African Wave.
There are whispers in the wind....
...a possible system could try to form fairly close in.

From an old frontal boundary
Nearby coastal low NHC ignoring.
Late season frontal boundaries can be a problem.
Besides creating wild rain in Miami and the Keys.
If they get down into the Carib and linger.
What goes down... often goes up again.

The EURO shows convection in Caribbean.
And shows convection near DR and Bahamas.

GFS of course shows more action.

Thursday oozes across DR
Later that night....'s begins to spin in Bahamas.
GFS is such a dreamer....

Rain from Carib crosses the Islands.
Low pressure forms????
More subtropical at the most.
Just some things to keep in mind.
Things you'll hear ppl talking about online.

Weather History for May Storms.

Good post by Greg.
I remember Beryl well. 
Brought down trees on I95 in..
..Georgia and SC. 
I was there, saw them go down.

2012 was a very busy year and it was very busy early on for the SE coast, especially Florida that felt weather from a few designated systems. We drove to Florida when Alberto was flirting with Florida, planned the timing of the trop to see what there might be if it formed so that was cute. Then drove back in time to intercept, drive thru Beryl which surprised me in that it had a stronger punch than one would have expected. Watched trees go down on I95 from squalls that came in strong, unrelenting and delivering a tropical message that the 2012 Hurricane Season would be memorable. Debby danced her way onto Florida's West coast near the Big Bend area with surprisingly strong amounts of rainfall creating flooding in many areas. 

Regarding Beryl, from Wikipedia, it brought good and bad as it helped put out ongoing forest fires, but it also killed a man in South Carolina from a falling tree. We were in Orangeburg County when that tree came down, along with others that partially blocked the highway.  A good reminder to laugh or shrugg off a weak Tropical Storm as flooding, trees falling and small tornadoes can kill people and at the least cause damage to your home. 

"High rains alleviated drought conditions and put out wildfires along the storm's path. A fallen tree killed a man driving in Orangeburg County, South Carolina. In northeast North Carolina, Beryl spawned an EF1 tornado that snapped trees and damaged dozens of homes near the city of Peletier. " 

There were other deaths in Cuba and I believe one near Ormond Beach (possibly car accident) related to the weather from Beryl. Here's a link from my blog in 2012 ... fun rereading it and remembering. 

and the Tweets :)

easier seen in the blog link below ;)

Force13 on Youtube.
Awesome site to play on.
First minute & a half shows.....
.. early storms near FL/SE coast.
Alberto, Beryl and Debby all near FL
Chris off SE coast but a wanderer..
Busy season ended on Halloween
When Sandy went BOO! to NYC!

Note after a busy May and June.
July took a tropical holiday.
August got busy fast!

Many Caribbean storms.
Many Fish Storms in Atlantic.
Several SE and East Coast Storms.
Especially ....Sandy.
An exclamation mark to a busy season.

That's it for today. Long blog post as I had time to play and enjoyed thinking out loud here, and hopefully it helped educate someone. Everyone has a cousin in Miami, but in my case it's children... grown children I may add and normally it's a good time to go down before the heat of the summer intensifies but this year the heat is already there and everyone is asking if this will lead to a busy hurricane season. Jim Williams of HurricaneCity fame has Miami at number 8 on his list of top 20 cities most likely to be impacted by a system this year. I'll add he also has FLL, WPB as well as Bimini and Nassau as well as a few spots in Cuba.

Should be a short blog tomorrow, not sure where we will be sleeping though in my mind it's always Savannah but often is Jacksonville or Ormond Beach, time will tell and much depends on the time we leave and the weather. Everything always has to do with the weather, dontcha know....

Sweet Tropical Dreams,
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Insta
But Twitter mostly weather..Insta whatever.
Insta is how my family communicates these days.
Send a health tip, send a recipe.
Send messages and pics .... 
Always evolving ways to stay in touch!

An oldie goldie....
... cute song, makes me smile ;)


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