Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

While Waiting for 2024 Hurricane Season to Begin.... Will We Use the William Name? According to Experts ... YES! Prepare... Now.... Or What You Want May Be Gone......


Good morning from Savannah, one of my favorite cities, trying to write a fast, quick and cohesive blog post this morning. Above you see a satellite image for today May 22nd, 2024 which is 10 days away from the official starting date of the 2024 Hurricane Season. There is nothing out there today nor expected by the NHC for the next 7 days as per their 8 AM Tropical Weather Outlook AKA the TWO. 

When I look at this image above, what I see in my mind is a misty, watercolored image of what thngs will look like later in the season... let's say sometime in August. It's a new age Modern Art  suggestion of a large hurricane in the Caribbean, and to the North of it is the old, dying, decaying image of a one strong storm beginning to fall apart in Northern latitudes. To the right is another developing storm that will soon attain a name and be the next contender for hurricane status down the tropical road.

If forecasts verify this will be the type of Hurricane Season where you can look at satellite imagery and have an array of named storms on the maps, churning the waters and swirling about the face of the globe especially in the Atlantic Ocean and it's adjacent seas, gulfs and beautiful islands. 

Like the one above.
Or like the one below.

Katia, Irma and Jose - 2017

And, it's hard on a hot day in May in Miami when you're wondering what you could do for the Memorial Day Weekend if it rains or if it stays blazing hot. Do you go to the beach or to the movies? On May 25th 1977 the movie Star Wars premiered for Memorial Day Weekend. Now days you can stay home in the AC watching Netflix and taking occasional dunks in your backyard pool, go to an Air and Sea Show or you can pick up some hurricane supplies while out at your local Publix while grabbing some extra beer, chips and all the things that go with whatever you'll be grilling. 

Keep that image above in your mind and know that with the predictions ahead by excellent meteorologists we may get through the whole alphabet this year all the way to William and beyond.... 

When Star Wars opened it was a low budget movie made by a promising young producer/director and some actors and no one had ever heard of any of the characters or even what a Wookiee was....

By early June it was THE movie to see and it stayed that way through the summer and beyone and by then everyone knew who George Lucas was and was wondering what would be next down the galactic road.

One of these hurricanes names may have your home town as it's ultimate destination. Will it be a Tropical Storm or a Cat 1 Cane or a Major Hurricane or even a dying decaying hurricane with a still deadly storm surge about to batter your beautiful beachfront property? It's true often factors arise that mitigate a set up for a crazy, wild hurricane season but it's best to hope for that but to prepare for an extremely busy year.

Being honest. No hype. We never know for sure what the hurricane season will bring, but forecasts are getting better and the signs are there for a whole lotta tropical trouble. 

As for the Site of the Day ... I'm going with

Jim Williams is a good friend and has been for a long time. He puts out yearly forecasts or maybe he calls them predictions; he's very detail oriented so he will probably correct me either way but that's Jim. He takes a different approach to hurricane prediction in that he is more focused on which cities may be at a higher risk for being impacted every year. I have watched over time as random, obscure cities he picked (based on his own research) that would be impacted were crossed off the list one by one. No one is perfect, not the NHC or NWS but he's onto something and if your city is in this list then you may want to take Hurricane Preparation a little bit more seriously. If you live where you need to evacuate, get a plan for what you take and where you will go. If you can hunker down in a hurricane, figure out what needs to be done and what supplies you will need. Hint.... one of my main home cities is in the list and high up on the list and no it's not Raleigh.

That's how his website looks today.
It'll be filled with named storms soon.

It even has an old fashioned message board.
Good message board, many love them still.
Now u know where u can go to talk Canes.

A quote from Jim... 

Here's his predictions.

So with that said on my way later today to Miami and I'll see how seriously people are taking it there. I'll be busy with family events and some other excursions to meet friends and hit my favorite spots .... and see how many I can get done this trip around. Road trips are road trips, you kind of roll with the punches and originally planned to stay in Savannah overnight, then thought maybe Jax then a tire blew out that needed to be replaced just outside Savannah so here I am once again. I have tons of distant cousins here as my family is related to some of the town's earliest settlers. And, a city where I have friends and places to go and hang out ... endlessly explore the place. Did you know Savannah gets hit more often from back side storms that made landfall in the Big Bend of Florida then curve gracefully back out to water moving over Savannah as they end their land trip moving back out to the ocean. 

One of the things you can do or find on Jim's site is how often your town has been hit and what the history is of it and learn how often it gets hit over time. When Jim made his site, he saw it as a site where people could learn and become more educated on hurricane history. And, the irony with Savannah is that it rarely takes a direct hit from the SE or the SSE and yet it gets affected often. 

"How often Savannah gets affected?
brushed or hit every 1.85 years"

Click on it or go check his site out!
As always contributions are appreciated.
Money is time and time is money.
Takes a lot of money to keep sites going.
It's not his full time job, it's his passion.
And he chases .... so keep that in mind.

Sweet tropical dreams from Savannah.
Got places to go and waiting on my favorite bookstore to be open.
Also Savannah has great coffee!

He actually named a daughter Savannah....


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