Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Weak Tropical Waves in Caribbean and Closer In Making Weather ... Development Not There Yet. MDR has Hot Water & Not Much Else. Soon... Eventually But Not Yet.


This is an image of a loop on Tropical Tidbits.

There are so many ways you can slice and dice this image, but the end result is the tropics are quiet and Tropical Waves have not yet found their way to turning and twisting and maintaining some spin as they move West across the very hot MDR. All the talk on how hot it is and how potentially dangerous it is and yet very little honest discussion on why we are not getting the numbers many expected for a busy hurricane season. 

Yes, CLIMO always` gets a vote and it's been a bit heavy handed as subsidence and it's dry mid air levels have sucked the energy out of the Atlantic and the action has moved to the Northern Latitudes both over the US and in the North Atlantic. 

Divide this image down the middle West to East. Wests very moist, East only moist where the old frontal boundary is currently draped across what is often a huge High Pressure system. Note models keep showing that region with a strong, solid high pressure system and yet it's still missing in action.

Divide it SW to NE and the top left side is filled with moisture (light blue) and storm systems that repeatedly every day it seems pulsating and pushing their way violently East taking a dip into the South and then riding the Appalachians and I95 up into the Mid Atlantic and then that system moves out to sea following the previous one.

Divide it in the middle horizontally and Team North Atlantic is HOT, the story of the moment, compelling, concerning and dangerous. Team South, especially out in the MDR is not. And, all the MDR has is HOT water. 

Now when you look at this image.
You see what the problem is....
what the problem is currently.
Things will change.
At some point..

Anyone's guess.

And, oh my gosh the models keep trying to guess. Like small children playing hangman screaming out letters the models have taken turns spinning things up that did not verify and the Invests the models liked did not develop. More questions than answers.

I get it, it's easier to promote HOT WATER with click bait and agendas are always easy to push (on both sides) and yet the weather and I'll add the type of weather we were expecting did not show up and the weather systems no one wanted to deal with have shown up and we have had repated tornadoes, severe weather, high winds and flooding in areas usually waiting out the hot summer longing for Fall and all Fall has to offer. And, yet they are getting what feels more like Spring Severe Weather Season.

And, that's all I got to say. I turned off the TWC I'm only interested in today's weather discussion and nothing more from them. There are other channels I use them, I mute them, I like maps especially weather maps and weather discussion. Weather is where it is at...and we have way too much of severe weather this week in August.  I do watch the local weather on my Spectrum cable, as they go to it every ten minutes and they break in for live events. 

Severe Weather all Summer who saw that coming? Which model or were you not looking at the models for that but only tropical development?

Amazing people online spend hours up on hours debating models for 10 days out and very little discussion on current breaking weather events that should be watched. PR dealt with a strong tropical wave yesterday and the interaction in the area of instability will up the ante on continued storms and that tropical wave is just moving along under the radar while everyone argues who has the best handle on the 10 day weather possibilities which to me is totally missing the forest for the trees.

We currently have the tail end of a storm system/front N of the Bahamas, we have the tropical wave previously mentioned moving towards the Bahamas and maybe towards Florida and we have a little winner tropical wave in the bottom right ot this picture in that despite crappy conditions that washed out previous waves did not stop this one from moving into the Islands, towards the Islands and I have questions. Does it get pulled NW or move through the Caribbean somehow stayting together and getting closer in to our shores or does it move on and on towards the Pacific that has put out a welcome mat for tropical waves moving Westbound offering them a name and some measure of fame, see Dora that's still going strong. Dora not having a problem spinning in the Pacific.

Dora is now SSW of Hawaii.
How far can she go?

From Zoom Earth....
...tracking the weather in the busy Pacific.

Northern Hemisphere in Summer is where it's at.
Pacific is friendlier.
Tropical Atlantic is not.

And that'll change in some way.
Which way ...not sure.
Close in development or MDR

Stay tuned.

Note I watch way more news than most people, I usually have it on in the background on mute and sometimes with subtitles to see if I'm interested in the story. I'm a channel switcher. I click back and forth from News Nation (because my brother nonstop says ..."put on News Nation" lol) CNN ...FOX...CNN, FOX and then Spectrum News. I'm more loyal to the story being something I want to watch vs agenda driven drivel. I'm a writer I can write an Editorial for both sides of any argument but I want to see Weather Discussion be it on Twitter or a Message Board or another weather channel as much as I have historically loved TWC. I get enough of the news on the news channels. I studied Political Science, Geopolitics, connect the dots and I love maps.

Have a great day. 
I'm home in Raleigh after a few days in Charlotte.

I'll talk on the models when one of them seems to verify vs playing "my turn, my turn" in predicting the wave that lights the match that gets this season going again.

Til then...  Sweet Tropical Dreams,
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram
Ps I watch a lot of weather on YouTube when it's relevant.
I've started watching him as he talks about the Caribbean and it's relevant and he's easy to listen to with great images of beautiful towns and the weather there. Sometimes, often the weather in the Caribbean impacts us in the Southeast and Gulf of Mexico. Just listening now to yesterday's which I missed and oh look he's talking about the weather maker in the Caribbean I mentioned at the top. Weather maker vs Models. Show me the weather happening .... not ignoring the EURO or the GFS just not living by their various daily updates, rather look at patterns. And, going to open up my new Chromebook today and play a bit while getting the house ready for visitors. 


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