Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Fall 2020 Arrives - Teddy is a Typical Equinox Storm & Beta is SADLY a Typical Bayou Flooding Storm bring Floods to Houston/Texas Area. What's Next? Caribbean Coastal Cruiser? Then Winter Stay Vigilant & Prepared, It's Not Over Yet.


Rather than show cones today.
I went with this graphic.
Says it all. 
Multiple warnings from Beta in the GOM
Mutliple warnings from Teddy in the N Atlantic.

What is most important to take away today from our current set up is Teddy is your typical Fall Equinox storm system. Way back before we had the NHC or the NWS or any form of "weather bureau" early settlers learned from history that the Fall Equinox often brought a strong Gale to the East Coast somewhere and that was part of the switch being flipped as they moved from Summer weather into Fall weather and the change of the seasons. History books are filled with long stories culled from journal entries on damage done to small farming communities or ports where ships littered the landscape as mighty storms tossed them ashore the way the way Sally did those sailboats into people's back yards. And, in fact many of those hurricanes turned into Superstorms as they merged with frontal boundaries that arrived early or just on time to put Jack Frost into business way before we had Pumpkin Spice Lattes. 

Things in the atmosphere shift. When you look at the visible imagery off the East Coast you see cold weather clouds out over the ocean off the Carolinas, Georgia and even North Florida. Massive waves crashed onto the beaches in Florida with sea foam dancing across the sands and that was from a very far away Hurricane Teddy that kissed Florida with Fall like temperatures rather than tearing everyone's beach houses down. The Outer Banks got high surf (happens) but it didn't wash out the bridge from the mainland. I can't promise that luck will hold and it won't happen over the next six weeks but if it does happen it will most likely be from a Caribbean Hurricane that rode a cold front up across Cuba into some part of Florida and up the East Coast; hopefully that doesn't happen and it crosses Cuba and traces the coastline just offshore the way many have done so far. Of course to the West it could impact Tampa and Jim Williams who has been very on the money with his predictions this year has put Tampa in his top 20 list for storms so keep watchng. And, in truth several systems have barely missed Tampa even though they got slammed with weather so patterns do exist from year to year so the area from Key West to the Bahamas must be watched be it from our current lemonade flavored circle with only 10% real lemon in it over Cuba currently or a weak westbound wave that finds it's groove near Jamaica.

Those are my thoughts. Words matter and as we cruise into the Fall Season as leaves turn where I live and Miami gets a less humid day we need to remain vigilant and on guard for hurricanes, but know with La Nina we should transfer fast from tropical systems to deep diving cold fronts and a wet messy cold winter in parts of the country.

That's the way of the world.... as we move into Fall and speculate on Winter.

Much love.
Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram... 

Ps... some videos from Twitter posted here if you click on the links. I'm all about words today because honestly words matter and that's why I often say "read the discussion" from the NHC but today I'd go with the and NWS discussion as we have weather on many levels from systems close in and also far away. And as always all the loops are up on as well as a link to where you can buy your shirt with the Greek Storms on them for our crazy Hurricane Season of 2020.

Weather influences everything especially the economy.

Feel free to send me your song. My Grandma's favorite song was Autumn Leaves... now I know what it's all about as I live in NORTH Carolina ;)


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