Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Monday, May 04, 2020

2020 Forecast to be a Busy Hurricane Season. The Daily Death Toll From Covid 19 Forecast to be 3,000 by June 1st. A Look at History... Mother Nature VS Depression, Disasters and the Flu

Forecasts show the daily death toll could climb
to 3,000 people by June.
That's the Covid-19 Forecasts.
Hurricane Forecasts call for a busy hurricane season.
Hurricane Season begins on June 1st.

That's very hard for people to wrap their heads around.
Financially many can barely handle the virus...
...they can't imagine dealing with a hurricane.
Yet, unless the forecasts are wrong...
...we will have to deal with both come June.

Today's post aims to remind everyone that the Hurricane Season 2020 is less than a month away. I have to remind people of that, because obviously with so much going on no one wants to think on throwing a hurricane into the mix. People can barely remember what day of the week it is let alone start counting down to June 1st and hearing about hurricanes. Suddenly our homes are our very world and the thought of having to protect that last bastion of normalcy and security is inconceivable. I've had several close friends say to me "no, I cannot deal with hurricane season right now" and others prefer the "one disaster at a time please" and it's hard to say to them "sorry but Mother Nature doesn't care" and "it is what is" ... is a crappy thing to say to people who are already not dealing well with Stay At Home Orders and having their homes turned into homeschooling centers with each child learning in a different room somewhere. And, the one saving grace of this Covid-19 disaster has been the ability to stay in touch via Zoom and online social media. The thought of losing power right now for many is the last straw.

But history has taught us time again that Mother Nature doesn't care what else we are dealing with when it's time to spawn hurricanes that in reality help with the whole process of the atmosphere on planet earth moving from the Equator to the Poles. Trust me you don't want a world where the atmosphere becomes stagnant and we end up with some sort of Science Fiction Tragic World where Ice Ages last forever and it's blazing hell with no relief in the tropics. Earth is a beautiful, big blue marble of a planet and it's the atmosphere constantly moving that helps it stay a beautiful place to live.

History has shown us that when the country was beset with Historical Dust Storms that went on and on and on in the midst of a Financial Depression where people had very little to serve their families to eat and money was not always in the bank when the rent was due. Mother Nature threw the Labor Day Hurricane into the mix rearranging that little piece of paradise known as the Florida Keys to a hell that made Oklahoma look almost doable. 1935 was a tough year both financially and weather wise. And, it's worth remembering that the 1933 Hurricane Season at the worst of the depression hit us with one of the most furious, busy, difficult hurricane seasons in history.

Say it ain't so Joe ... ya know.

Mother Nature doesn't play "Let's Make a Deal"
She shows you in real time what the deal is...

Note the masks and the dead boy... 
1918-1919 Spanish Flu...

Another year that was difficult was 1919 as many young American men and young boys really were overseas fighting horrific trench warfare that went on and on and on and back home we were already battling a new disease that was taking lives at an unprecedented number in what was then "modern times" and bodies were piling up so fast that a local Ice Cream company in North Carolina had to use their freezers to help store bodies. Yes, 1918 was a relatively quiet hurricane season yet even then one hurricane of Category 3 strength made it to landfall.

And then came the 1919 Hurricane Season.
The flu continued to take lives.
Boys who stayed alive in the trenches.....
... died on ships coming home to their families.

Now 1919 was relatively quiet also.
Though 3 storms made landfall.
Note one hurricane traced the track from the year before.
The 1919 repeat visitor was nastier.

Some call it the 1919 Bahama hurricane.
Or the 1919 Florida Keys Hurricane.
Or the 1919 Corpus Christi Hurricane.
Kind of like Andrew was a Florida storm....
.......for me.
For others it was a Louisiana hurricane.
Kind of like Betsy in 1935.
The 1919 Hurricane was a real killer.
Kind of like the flu that was still raging.

Google it you see it's many names.
Back then they didn't "name" hurricanes.

The 1919 Hurricane drew a bulls eye...
...on Key West.

And then it took aim on Texas.

And it's often listed as one of the deadliest hurricanes.
The death toll may have been higher but was set at 745.

Look how similar those tracks are in ways.

I mention that because I'm thinking on 2019.

This Tweet by our Iconic Hurricane Man...
... made many of us think.
What if this year is similar to last year?
But the storms don't trace Florida's coast....
...or South Carolina's coast.

Had Dorian kept going into Florida.
It would have been way worse that Andrew.

And often hurricane seasons can be similar...
... in some ways they can have similar tracks.
Check out 1995 and 1996.
Or 2004 and 2005.

Let's hope we don't have any like Dolly this year.
I know we all wonder what Dolly will do..

Lastly.... today a legend died.
Don Shula died at age 90.
I learned much about life from Don Shula.
He was tough, honest and real.
He told it like it was.... 

So looking back at one year in particular.
Since bees and wasps are suddenly in the news.

I'd say what next but I'm keeping my mouth shut.
But what I will say is this...
Be aware.
Yes, it will happen.

Let's hope the forecasts are wrong.
But hoping won't make it so.

Socially distance.
Enjoy the fresh air.
Start making lists....
...because Hurricane Season is coming soon.

Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram

Ps... a reminder of what happened last year.
Just to get your thinking on what you'd need to do.
Where you would evacuate to...
... What you would take with you.
Or what you'd need to hunker down.


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