Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Severe Weather Day... It Left NC for VA and Maryland and NYC.. High Wind Warnings. What Did We Learn? Where and How are We Going to Deal with Hurricane Season and the Need for Hurricane Shelters During the Year of Covid-19?

19 people have died from the spate of Tornadoes that raced through the South over the last 24 hours and the number of dead is most likely going to climb as the system races on towards the Mid Atlantic carrying with it the threat of wind damage, power outages and possible tornadoes.

Southern Storms be moving North and colliding with another piece of energy and this is just an endless stream of disasters from pandemics to Mother Nature doing her ugliest to add pain onto an already painful mess.

In Raleigh, despite numerous warnings with higher expectations, we mostly had an hour or two of high wind though some are without power and others did lose trees that crashed into their homes or luckily missed them by a few feet. Weather here is random like that. One neighborhood sees nothing and another is filled with the sound of buzz saws after the storm has gone as people remove trees that block streets or worse. We have tall pines that do come crashing down in Raleigh in my area, but closer to downtown the City of Oaks ... well has Oaks, huge Oaks with huge limbs that easily slice their way through people's homes. It doesn't take a hurricane to bring down a huge limb onto someone's home.

This small tree landed next to a friend's house.
Hillsborough. NC.
They felt very blessed as their area was hit hard.
Harder than Raleigh.

There's a bit of elevation there near the Eno River.
Durham and Hillsborough tend to get stronger weather.
Raleigh usually gets "lucky" and it misses us.
But you can never say never.
Hurricane Hazel found her way this far inland.
So did Hurricane Fran.
And we have had F3 Tornadoes in the dark of the night.
So happy we have power and the pines didn't topple.

There's a home in Raleigh where a woman is trapped ... her house as tree blocked the entrance.

Things that don't seem normal are normal in 2020.
Reporters in the field wearing masks.
Smart. Good Idea.

I tried it while out and about earlier.
I don't like masks. I have asthma.
I am at high risk so wore the mask.

My husband prays at home.
The Temple is closed.
Pines danced and swayed all morning.
A line of squalls raced through the area.
2020 continues on...
It's still Passover for me.
Gov Cuomo is back on giving a Press Conference.
Life goes on.

In New York where my kids live...
... they have high wind warnings.

I spend a lot of time on Instagram.
When my daughter goes live.
The kids are learning to ride a bike..

Laughed for a good while.
It was good to laugh :)
He made a wrong turn...
...right into the bushes :(

He's fine.
His older cousin is riding without training wheels.

And that's true. 
That's life.
When we fall, we get back up!
Life goes on...

"We can control the spread"
Cuomo is right on that.
That's also true.
So it's up to you... 
...and what you do or don't do!

What we do matters.
Our actions can have positive results.
Vs positive test results.
Stay home.
Social distance offline.
Talk online.
We need to do what we got to do...

My biggest concern is hurricane season.
Obviously my mind goes there.
It's 49 days away.
And it can and may start early this year.

How are we going to evacuate Nola or Miami?
Or Mobile or Myrtle Beach?
Where do people go who are sheltering at home?
What do they do when they lose their homes?
It happened this week.
It was a small localized area.

A good Tweet that's been shared everywhere.
People in a shelter hiding from the storm.
Risking germs and trying to distance themselves.
What will we do for the Hurricane Season???
If this Covid-19 remains...
Or peaks again during the summer?

Hope all the Mayors...
...and all the Governors..
And the President ...
...are working on that one.

Had the Mayor of Nola cancelled Mardi Gras..
 not a popular decision but could have been done.
New Orleans would have way less Covid-19.
Her city, her call I believe.
The buck stopped on her desk.
But everyone wants to pass the buck on...

What will Nola and Miami do?
What will NYC or Wilmington do?

Hate to go there but it's getting close.
We must consider that with the Hurricane Season coming!

Note the reporters now sit far apart ... press conferences.

Something to think on.
We need an answer.
We need a plan.
And we need it NOW.

Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram.

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