Overnight Tornado Threat in the South and Friday ... All Day

A few quick things to say....when you see what looks like a tornado moving across the country which is really a cold front...but looks more like one long tornado... it's something to worry on. The loop above is in real time. The image below is of earlier when the Tornado Warnings were lighting up the maps.
There has been damage today from the deadly tornado outbreak across the south. The line is currently moving through Alabama, Georgia and into the Carolinas. Arkansas is cleaning up from yesterday and Mississippi from today and who I wonder will have to clean up tomorrow?

Look at this loop and see how the energy from the Gulf of Mexico worked it's way north into the system and note how far down into the Gulf this system is stretching giving it life, energy and the potential for more death and destruction tomorrow on Friday.

Links up to a Low that is centered over the Yucatan Peninsular
As I type this that line is moving fast towards and through Northern Florida.

One of the biggest threats is tornadoes that form in the middle of the night while people sleep..
Tonight is such a night to worry on... and it's a slow moving system.
Winds are picking up in Raleigh now... Tallahassee is going to get slammed as is Atlanta.
Columbia, SC in the path as well as Charlotte, NC.
On some levels the late night ..cooling temps is a mixed blessing.
On the other hand the differential between hot and cold, dry and moist is a killer.
Only time will tell how we all make out tonight..
Keep watching...
Sweet Tropical Dreams..
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