El NINO.. NO Tropical Activity.. Modoki?
Well... today the news has come out from the Climate Prediction Center that says this is an official "El Nino" of sorts and we have not yet sorted out what kind it is..
Neither have we sorted out how strong or what it's name is... but we can hear it quacking.
Modoki means.. "similar but not the same" so y'all might want to remember that for a trivial contest if you are taking Philosophy 101. One could write volumes on how similar some things are but not quite the same.
Not sure which of these is Modoki or it's friend ...because they are similar but different ;)
If it quacks.. it is a duck. Peking, Mallard or White-winged Scouter... it swims, it has feathers and it goes "Quack! Quack!"
I am wondering if some Asian group of lobbyist will complain we have given it an Asian name and will demand we change the name to one with symbols or letters and numbers such as "@%$!! El Nino" or "E42S El Nino" but the point is not what it is called but what it will bring. How it will affect our hot and dry summer or keep the rain falling on places that are already water logged.
And...where will storms track? Where will they form?
So many questions... and we will have to watch to see how they are answered because only this similar but different El Nino will tell the story and give us the answers. And, as they say hindsight is 20/20.
Waiting for Time Magazine to come out with some sort of Anime Cover Drawing for this particular El Nino ... the one in 97 got big play.. how will the media handle this one I wonder? Can't wait to see...
And, why do El Nino Years always coincide with major upheavals in my life? Must be some karma, astrological question I would pose to Miss Cleo if I only knew where to find the charming shaman!!
As for me... I have found out the following trivia about North Carolina.
There is a region known as the Sandhills but I can't seem to figure out specifically where it is... somewhere there was an old continental shelf... well you can read for yourself ;)
Looks like my backyard........ anyways...
Take care and be well and all the best ....Good Shabbos!
Besos Bobbi
Extra Credit Reading: http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2007/2006JC003798.shtml ;)
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