Bobbi, Bobbi, Married Lady That's Me :)

Yesterday morning my mother started singing that song from Funny Girl to me on the phone. Hadn't thought on that song in ages but my mother remembered how much I used to sing it and other songs from Funny Girl.. made me giggle. You know "Sadie, Sadie" ...
At the wedding I danced with my best friend from high school Leslie and for the first time in years I remembered also all those Broadway songs we used to dance to in high school. Okay, I was a drama major way, way back.. musical comedy and Tennessee Williams ...
You have to understand, Leslie is blind... pretty much totally but she danced with me at the wedding both on instinct and from memory I guess. Somewhere in the 5,000 pictures my kids, my friends and the photographer took there is a picture of us dancing. But, the memory is stuck forever and I thought on some soundtrack from a movie that bombed but we loved called Lost Horizons. We would dance and sing, we were young teens in her bedroom or mine but the songs came back to me while dancing in the same way my mother remembered me singing songs endlessly from Funny Girl.
It was a beautiful wedding. I am a little shy on posting pics of me and the groom but I will. I was happy. He was happy. Everyone there had a good time. And, the weather was beautiful! February in Miami, best time of year except it doesn't have hurricanes.
So, this off topic post is to let y'all know pretty soon things will be back to normal and I will be posting again.
Nothing too tropical going on so am posting for my friends online a few of the many pics taken.
Some of me and my two best friends Malka (blondie) and Sharon.. go down in history with those two ;) especially ... Malka ;)

Okay, here's one pic.. with my daughter Dina and my husband!

The incredible wedding cake that was chosen after looking through thousands of pics and who the "wedding cake lady" did INCREDIBLE job with the bride and groom dancing on top.
And, my son in law Uri, who is a Chabad Shaliach in Ottawa helping do the Wedding Service in Miami.

So..enjoy the pics... the artsy one my daughter Dina did of the bride and groom dancing under a make shift wedding canopy by their cake.

Sometimes it seems you can have your cake and eat it too!
Love and Kisses, Besos Bobbi
Thank you all for being my friends ... listening to the wind whip through the palms on a cool, sunny, windy, wintry day in Miami. And.. I am just, just getting around to emails and phone messages so please bear with me if I don't respond right away.
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