Ike Moves Slowly - Big Earthquake in the South Atlantic Off Brazil
I dislike the wording of the 11 AM that says that Ike is "generally moving toward the west-northwest near 8" as opposed to what appears a more NW movement at a somewhat slower pace than 8. I suppose it's a forecast, like an astrological one. Predicted movement vs what is clearly visible on microwave imagery. The expect it to turn more to the wnw but is it moving wnw now or not? Dislike not trusting someone's need to control the future rather than deal with what is currently going on. Generally is a word they use when they want to leave a door open to problems down the road but they are really hoping he is back on track. Otherwise..they would just say he is moving WNW and be done with it.
You be the judge:
Sort of stair stepping if you ask me and moving slowly.
Anyways... we'll see.. has a long, long way to go especially at the rate it's moving.
As for Key West that is getting slammed because of Ike's slow movement..
This is video taken from my friend Mona's very beautiful Southernmost Guest House. No place in Key West as nice in my opinion. Beautiful view from the honeymoon suite of the ocean. You can sit in a swing and stare across at sunrise. The best breakfast buffet and a garden with bunnies hoping around for the kids to play with while the parents relax on the hammock.

Southernmost Guest House View on sunnier days..
My son is going to love the video as I have stayed with him there several times and no trip to Key West is a trip without going in and checking in on Mona and saying hello. I stay a few blocks from there all the time at a friends so this is like watching my home away from home on TV.
With the slow movement of Ike .. Key West's flooding problems in the low areas near the Ocean are going to go on a little longer.
Great loop by the way...
Slow movement of Ike.. a really big issue for anyone living along the Gulf Coast I think. Yes, he will most likely turn wnw again... but I wouldn't bet on it. I only bet on sure things.
Mona's Bed and Breakfast at the end of Duval is indeed a sure thing!
A lot of activity in the Atlantic Basin this week with a strong earthquake along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge off the coast of Brazil. But, for the last several days there has been 3.0 activity around Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Thought it worth mentioning.
MAP 6.4 2008/09/10 13:08:15 8.001 -38.687 10.0 CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP 3.3 2008/09/10 07:09:25 19.349 -66.174 15.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.0 2008/09/10 05:04:25 63.633 -150.826 14.6
MAP 3.1 2008/09/10 02:23:16 19.223 -64.871 0.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2008/09/10 02:23:16 19.288 -64.840 15.3 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
There is more to life than just tropical weather you know?
As for me.. on my lunch break and going out for some coffee.
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