Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Friday, November 11, 2005

All's Not Quiet on the Caribbean Front... Possible Tropical Trouble

Possible tropical trouble coming somewhere to a place on the map in the near future.

Everyone in the know is watching an area of persistant convection down in the far reaches of the SW Caribbean. Takes a while for something to happen and often that area creates a lot of talk and very little action. Other times..... like this year and many Novembers something forms.

Models are creating a system (means storm but we dont like to yell shark in a crowded theatre these days...) in a few days.

So keep watching. November storms are notorious for being annoying and difficult to deal with... even though most slip off to the East and into the Atlantic south of Florida but... never say never especially this year.

On vacation today for Veterans Day and enjoying this particular 3 day weekend to get used to having electric, the telephone and the internet all at once.

Making Shabbos....

Wine... a Bourdeaux from France which is of course where they should come from vs Chile or Austraila or.. well I'm being a purist today... trying to find one wine in that kosher grocery that I like enough to look forward to on Shabbos. My favorite was from some collection and called Fleur but they don't have it these days... had it last Passover past.

HavingChallah and Gefilte Fish and Israeli Salads... as well as some vegetarian chopped liver I am making tht is unreal delicious and not very fattening either. Yes...stayed on a diet for the last week. It's a wierd diet but hey I'm staying on it... wierd in this case is working. Tired of boring and tried and true but difficult to keep. Having Chummus and Whole Wheat Challah Rolls for myself. Having Chicken and potatoes with some kind of vegetable when I get into the kitchen and get inspired.. i hope.. or I will open up the good old frozen Mixed Vegetables. Two kids will be at Shabbatones (means sleep over Shabbos parties... run by organizations) in Miami and one in Atlanta.. leaves me with a quiet house and just doing what I want because as my 13 year old Rivky said "we're easy... get some salads, chicken legs..anything you want.. relax"

And I am planning on doing that. Of course Rivky seems to have other plans as she is straightening her hair for Shabbos................. lol. On the edge of being all grown up.

Have a good Shabbos... a nice weekend and hopefully... I will get all the lazy, rest out of me and be ready to party hardy next week when the library is open full hours for business.

Take care... keep watching the Caribbean.. Bobbi
Ps.. happy to be back in the world of the electronically connected.


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