Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Wicked Weather Gone Now..Whoosh

Whoosh out over the ocean somewhere...

Poured. May have hailed. Could barely open the door and roof leaked just a drop. Flooded streets. Some of the boys who hang around the girls who are here drove up from the Grove and the Beach and said the weather was wild... Twister somewhere round Bayfront Park and McArthur Causeway. Will see damage reports in the morning.

Kids hung out, played cards, waited for it to stop.. cars outside... rain outside, noise inside.

Now all the noise is gone. Younger few kids went to bed.. older ones and their friends..gone.

Party has moved on. A moveable feast. And, the feast has moved on.

I wonder sometimes what they will do when I move on.. somewhere else.

Been a nice house for them. It has out grown us. It is getting claustrophobically too big.

I need something that this house doesn't give me..

A day for pondering.. or just coasting..

Lit a candle.. tossed in a few shreds of dried herbs from a smudge thing... can smell the sage or the cedar, must be getting near the bottom of the small candle. Room smells sweet, a bit too heavy for me but sweet.. relaxing.

Read an old notebook from 1971 today.. 1970... small diary.
Boy life was crazy then... only rest I had was that month I had pneumonia.. was like dancing fast and so young, so innocent that all I thought I had to do was sort of beg/ask for it to happen in my diary and it would happen. And.. it did too. Odd, but true.

Is life that easy? Do you just have to ask...

Do you get what you ask for so .. be careful what you wish for???
And, what happens if what you wish for is not what someone else wishes for?

Do your wishes have to connect somewhere out there in the world... in space and time.. and rhyme or your wishes and dreams don't come true.. they lay flat like a cracked egg upon the cold sidewalk of life.

I have so many questions these days.

Life was so much simpler back then ...wasn't it? Back when we were playing all night talks and discussing what to condition our hair with and how to go to Jupiter and Mars and listening to Jimmy Buffett and I was sure everything would turn ou tthe way I wanted.. I thought it was the way they wanted. They just wanted me to listen to music with them .. I guess.

Sailing ships upon the water.. Wooden Ships... Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

And, spinning to go round..

Lost somewhere in a 25 year span of mixed messages, cryptic signals and dreams that never came true.

Going to watch the candle burn, remember the good times..

Good times.. crazy quilt.. different names... all the same suspects just different names. Same game, different names.

Breakfast at that eatery off the highway with Steven was truly perfect. Not as nice as the restaurant in Laguna Oscar Weekend.. with the most beautiful sunset money could buy. But, was good.. nice... on the money. Nice drive. Memories... jews hiding in caves in South America lighting shabbos candles. Remember that one? I do.. somewhere between bagel breakfast and morning fun. What was that Sarah Macla.. can't google it, falling asleep.. making a memory... oh that song... that was nice. It was all nice...

Long ago..and oh so far away.. you fell in love with me... before the ?? second show.. something guitar and something something and you were right... you were right.. you are always right.

You loved me first.

Good night Mr. Sandman
Bobbi, sprinkle the dust..or however that went and send me some dreams.. but please make them your dreams because you dream good dreams and I never dream


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