Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Nothing tropical... just topical

Favorite sites of the day:

Doing a sort of round up today.. sites I am looking at ..

Work.. ordering books at work as always.
Currently, going to order this one. Looks good.

Watching Drudge when I can. Hurts too much sometimes.
25,000 body bags have been ordered…..
Remember sitting in Ms. Ead’s room on the table at Coral Park Sr. High listening to Ron go on and on about how his family came to Miami during the 26 Hurricane, his grandma came in on a train bringing coffins for the dead. Somehow Ron could always one up and out do the rest of us with almost any story. Yeah… sitting on the table. Sat on that table all the time. Were there chairs in the room? So..yes.. vivid image of that train with coffins chugging south to Miami to pick up the bodies of the dead.. the dead that were buried.
26 hurricane:
Miami under water.. those all TALL Jamaican Palm Tree’s by the way.

Somewhere online is a picture of the train.. chugging into Miami with coffins aboard.

Then there is the earthquake warning on Maya Del Mar’s site.. for next week. I love her astrology and dislike her heavy-handed political message. As I am a selfish person and go on her site to look up things that might affect my personal life and the life of those around me. But, she is good..
Somewhere in there is my beautiful daughter Dina.. all those dollars she spent living in the city straightening her hair.. camping in the woods for Shabbos. Wondering how I can steal aka loot those beads she is wearing next time I see her. Hey, she works hard, is on her own.. respect her tremendously finding and living her life.

Is this the most beautiful card/picture. Not sure why they use it as a sympathy card.. I always think of it as a road to finding some past life memory or the light shining in to a garden safely concealed. Keep meaning to order this card or go back to the store and see if I can find it but… haven’t done it yet. One of those To Do List things
Love the Native American Cards and SW themes.. cactus in the moonlight.

There’s a card to stare on:

Purple Heaven.. beautiful series:

Sometimes I learn here but.. haven’t lately. In a funk.. you know? Sometimes it applies, other times.. sometimes it don’t.

My son created this CD cover.. he works with Sameach Music. Isn’t it nice. I like this one a lot. Nice to be able to go online and see your son’s grown up Arts & Crafts projects isn’t it? Shows both sides. Like the hand, color… it’s sort of peaceful and strong at the same time.

Somewhere a few kids have sites on that site or something but I’m afraid to look L The 16 year old says he is from Alabama. Told him just cause he could get away with it ..doesn’t mean he should. Tall, white kid.. sort of looks red neck. Must be those German genes from my ex-husband.

more later... in a spaced mood today and will talk tropical later



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