Bryan Norcross Signs with Channel 10 in Miami For the HURRICANE SEASON . . . Just a Few Months Away. Bryan and Max Mayfield. Impressive. Forecast to be a Busy Hurricane Season. But This Week..... Winter Makes a Come Back
Okay that happened.
Bryan Norcross signed with Channel 10 in Miami.
He'll be on during the hurricane season....
...with Max Mayfield and the rest of the ABC crew.
Not sure how that affects his TWC contract but time will tell. For people in Miami who were there back in 1992 it's a homecoming that's long overdue. It's fun to have him on TWC but it's not the same if a hurricane is coming straight at South Florida. All the stations in Miami do a great job during the Hurricane Season; they were tested last year and they didn't disappoint giving viewers the best advice and information while being knowledgeable about the local concerns not always understood on the larger scale.
The hurricane season is less than 100 days away. So keep it in your mind while out there when you see things on sale (now during the slow time) that you might want to have this coming Hurricane Season. Because.... whether you are ready or not the Hurricane Season IS coming.
Most of the East Coast is all a buzz about the new Winter Storm or more so the return of Winter. The first 2 weeks of March are forecast to have a return to cooler temperatures more in line with what Winter is supposed to be... it's been more like Summer in the Carolinas and Spring a bit further up the coast.
Cantore asked what many have been thinking the last few weeks as trees are dressed in floral blooms and snow and ice have been a no show for a good part of the East Coast this February. Spring like wild weather has showed up early. The problem with a warm February is that when a cold front dives down the air masses clash and often people die. It's that simple and it happens every year. Yet we fear the Hurricane Season where we have more time to prepare; I'd rather have the lead time to prepare personally.
As for me I'm baking cupcakes for the Jewish Holiday of Purim. We give treats of all kinds and trying to put together some packages for loved ones. I was cold today in Raleigh and kept setting the AC to a higher setting (yes Miami girl runs the AC when the Heat is not on) and then I stopped and asked Alexa what the temperature was and "oh it was 46 degrees" and that's about 30 degrees colder than yesterday. It was a nice illusion while it lasted.
So.... keep watching that system as it powers up and unleashes itself over the next few days. Rumor has it the weekend will be crazy in some places. As for me I agree with Cranky on Twitter as now is the time to watch and wait and see how things come together; where specifically the details get hammered out and trust me someone is going to get hammered.
Here's the satellite loop.
No don't get distracted by the Low in the Atlantic.
Look West...

Hard not to stare at that huge low.
Let it go.
Going to be an interesting several days. has all the information.
Links, images and models.
I'll be around but busy with Purim..
And to be honest the storm is going to the NE of me.
Well real winter weather.
I'm tired of rain.
Raleigh has been so gray the last few days.
One tease on Sunday in the morning.
Then poof back to rain and gray clouds.
Stay informed.
Be well ...
... Be happy!
Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter
Ps... When it's cold and gray I turn the sound up and pretend I'm back in Little Havana in Old Miami. Way before Castro came out of the mountains Miami was a suburb of Cuba in many ways. My Great Uncles went back and forth to Cuba buying tobacco for their cigar business. Stores on Flagler Street in Dowtown Miami in the 1940s were filled with people from Havana visiting their American cousins and shopping. When you grow up where I grew up in Miami you are part Cuban in music, foods and culture. Great video really. Wondering whether hurricanes will visit Cuba this Hurricane Season.
Labels: cupcakes, hurricane, miami, music. Havana, Norcross, purim, season, Tropics.Bryan, weather, winter
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