PTC10 Forms off SE Coast... Heads to SC/NC Landfall. Houston Going Under Water
Potential Tropical Cyclone 10 forms.
Info above.
Cone below.
Discussion tells the tale.
From the NHC..
I highlighted the important part.
Note below where it talks on landfall.
35 Hours forecast to be INLAND
34.1N 78.0W
Map for that area is below.
So the problem here is where does it go?
After landfall around SC/NC line.
So many cities are in the wind probs.
Looks like some sort of tropical lottery.
Basically from Jax to Boston...
... cities have small possibilities of seeing Irma.
It could be tropical... could be subtropical.
Does it matter to the people dealing with it's weather?
A tropical storm watch runs from S Santee River in SC.. Duck in North Carolina.
A tale of two storms and one has a long tail going down into the tropical waters of the Gulf of Mexico and is training rain over the Houston area. The other storm is just beginning to form off the SE coast of the US and may I add "close in" from what has been known as 92L for a good ten days or more. The cone from the NHC shows PTC10 hugging the coastline and possibly coming ashore briefly in South Carolina or Eastern North Carolina. For now it's a potential storm, in Texas they are dealing with a flood from the remnants of Harvey.

The impact from PTC10 .. "Irma" should be low.
Low in comparison to the tragedy in Texas.
And that rain is also moving into Louisiana.
A reminder we are moving towards the heart of the Hurricane Season and there is every reason to believe that storms either close in or far away will form and threaten our world.
You can follow the Houston Flooding live online. You can donate to the Red Cross or any charity you know to be reliable in that region. But the Red Cross is set up to get in their faster while the situation is still unfolding. Please read the blog post before this on the Houston Historical Flood that will be going on for the next several days before it's close to over.
I'll be back with more information later. Please keep praying for those in Houston who are trapped, cut off by rising water that is getting into their businesses, their homes and taking down the whole infrastructure of highways in that part of the country. The Weather Channel is doing an awesome job covering this crisis and trying to explain how this year Mother Nature went on a rampage to make up for those quiet seasons when El Nino was in charge.
Besos BobbiStorm @bobbistorm on Twitter.
Link below for live coverage of Harvey's aftermath... the Houston flooding. But the rain moves up into College Station, Huntsville and people are still trying to get to safe ground with Tornado Warnings.
Labels: History, NC, PTC10, SC, tropical, tropics, watches, weather
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