Shark Attacks. Warm Water Close to Shore. Small spin off SE Coast. Models Aren't Biting..the Sharks are.....
7TH in 3 WEEKS
Man in Late 60s
Explain why people think they are special?
Why they think a shark won't bite them?
This is a serious issue with July 4th Holiday Weekend here.
Will update the blog on the tropics and shark attacks later today!
Otherwise please continue reading it's all relevant.
Easy... Swim in the pool.
Walk on the beach.
Enjoy the beach but stay out of the water!
Weather update below.

Is the "Bahama Blob" as Mike calls it on Facebook a problem? No, not really.
Also worth watching flare up of convection in GOM near Mexico.
Is it worth watching? Sure, got nothing else to watch. Plus, it's a pattern. If the flip between extreme heat and summer time cold fronts continue something will form there again as Ana did back in May.
The water is warm close in to shore. When the water heats up the fish move around just like people do. It's that simple. "Oh my gosh Mollie, it's so hot pack up the car we are going to the beach!!" When water heats up off of the coast of South America the tuna take a hike, when water heats up close to shore along the US... the fish move with the water.
There have been way too many shark attacks off the coast of the Carolinas.
At this point I wish there was a small tropical storm to scare people away.
The local media here barely covers it anymore.
Luckily TWC is playing it up.
TWC - The Weather Channel
not TWC Time Warner Cable Local Weather/News
Vague details mentioned by the media...
One person said "not to swim near piers" . . .
You see the shark come for the fisherman's bait...
Oh, okay...right.
Yes, they may be coming for the bait.
But there aren't always so many shark in the sea in knee deep water.
A Google search shows it is a big problem.
Note National Media
3 shark attacks mentioned.
Let me highligh this like it's storm discussion
Local Media.
Nothing. Nada. Zip.
Discussion on a raccoon with rabies.
Note a fox recently attacked people in Raleigh with rabies..
Flag discussion.
A toll road article
Stars in the sky..
Nothing on shark attacks at the beach...
....going into the biggest beach holiday weekend of the summer.
Typical. Miami doesn't like to mention sharks either..
But it's a big problem.
You want to be shark smart? Stay out of the water!
I don't want to sound like Sam Kinison but . . .
"Stay out of the water!"
Swim in a pool.
Walk along the beach.
Sit on the beach
Build sandcastles on the sand.
(by the way if you get the commercial
about what's in some one's fridge... so so true..)
But if some nice person tries to lure you into the water..
Tell them "NO!"
As a Miami girl I can truly say...
..that is what POOLS are made for ...
Stay out of the danger zone...
Miami Beach kids grow up and play in pools.
If they don't have one...
....they go over and sneak into one..
Let's do this with pictures...
(one of my all time favorite hotels...)
This is a no brainer................
Let's bring this back to weather...
Note the anomaly.
Hotter than normal.

And, add to this discussion on sharks. As long as we have cold fronts dropping down and stalling out in warm tropical waters we have the possibility of something developing. Right now the models are not biting, but the sharks remember that when you decide to take a trip to the beach if you live in NC or SC this holiday weekend. Oh and use sunscreen....
Also, while having fun at the beach this weekend (unless you are up in the mountains some where) be careful of lightning. If the sharks don't get you, the thunder bolts might. Great new link up on
Close up view off SE Coast
Oh and there's a reason they call them Tampa Bay Lightning..
Enjoy your holiday weekend.
Nothing tropical happening just yet.
About 10 days to 2 weeks would be a conservative guess.
As for me I'll be watching the loops off of the SE
3 things to note.
1. The ITZ is not shut down despite SAL present in the area.
2. Area off of the SE coast..
3. Area in the BOC
Keep watching,
Besos Bobbi
Ps.....with a strong high anything that develops goes inland.
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