Keep Watching The Gulf of Mexico
Hey watch it long enough something will form.
But as I said the other day, keep watching... something will form soon it seems.
Big or small? West into Tex/Mex or north into Texas... too soon to tell.
Not talking about that area south of Nola..nope, talking about the climatological real thing. Bay of Campeche. Something will start to swirl soon if the models and my instincts are right.
As I said several days back the models have been consistent with showing moisture moving that way and something forming.
As for Florida, there is some sort of tropical bubble forming fast off the coast of Florida also shown, I think it's a quirk in the model ... maybe if they slap it silly and replay it ... it will disappear. Looks a lot like the ghost of an old Tropical Depression from years back ;) for details.

Happy Father's Day to anyone and everyone out there who is a father, been a father, filled in for a father or wants to be a father or whats a reason to party.
Sweet Tropical Dreams
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