Not Much Going On... 'cept Venus Transit of the Sun
Well, tropically speaking.

I do notice that area in the Gulf of Mexico in an area of High Pressure is still there, sort of moves off towards Florida and then reforms. Makes me wonder why... Then again, not much to do these days but wonder why...
Slow time ... a phase between cold fronts and summer phases. has a "zero hype" factor on it's Home Page. Well, I suppose that says it all.
Everyone's watching Venus these days.. even me. She is about to do a transit across the sun this evening.
If you are in the South Florida area... go up to Boca and enjoy the show at FAU where the telescopes will be available for your safe viewing.
Years back we used to drive over to the Miami Planetarium for things like this. A slow, lazy drive across the Venetian Causeway looking at the lights of the city...down Biscayne to Bayshore Drive to the Planetarium. We'd hang out, walk up the open, modern stairway to the rooftop and stare up at the stars and maybe get to talk face to face with to Jack Horkheimer who made looking up to the heavens fun. Sadly, seems the Miami Planetarium is no longer the place to be on nights like tonight.
Check your local planetarium for planetary possibilities to view the transit or just do at it home safely, put on some cool music or as the kids say "sick music" and have a drink or the libation of your choice ... enjoy.
Enjoy, not much else going on today...
Besos Bobbi
Ps... play some Pink Floyd if you are from the Miami area... and you can pretend you are a kid again whispering to your boyfriend or girlfriend at the old Planetarium hoping no one on the other side of the dome heard you ;) <---- bonus song ...
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