Waiting on Upgrade to TD14 or Maria... Strong Storms in the Carolinas

On the laptop currently as I decided to leave the PC unplugged for a little while longer. Very strong Tstorms nearby and some cells with rotation around the area. Nice to see how Lee oozed his way this way after all. The low that was Lee is still to the south of here, however his moisture is all over the place.
The tropical wave that is unnamed should be named at 5pm. If not then, when?
She's looking pretty serious out in the Atlantic. Models bring her far enough west to start worrying and wondering if she will or if she won't recurve.
Either way the tropics are getting Active with a capital A.
Wind and rain and the threat of tornadoes has been an issue in the Piedmont and the Appalachians. In the Atlantic there are storms trying to form besides "Maria" who currently seems a done deal and is at 90% officially, though unofficially she is being referred to as TD14. Waiting on official confirmation.

So, let's get tracking and figuring out what to do with Maria.
As for anyone who wants to donate to areas already devastated by Irene or Lee, please click on this link and donate generously.
Bonus pic, strange angle to look at Katia:

I have friends in the know who worry on this, hoping that low that was Lee knows which way to go and he takes Katia with him out to sea...
Besos Bobbi
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