7.0 Earthquake Hits Haiti... Massive Damage and High Death Toll... Help Needed NOW

A 7.0 earthquake has hit the island nation of Haiti just ten miles from it's largest city Port Au Prince...a city of 2 million people.
A hospital has collapsed trapping people beneath it... it is one of many building collapses and I think it's a fair statement to say from early reports that all major buildings have suffered major damage including well built government buildings and the Palace.
To make matters worse it happened just as the sun was going down so now they are cloaked in darkness making rescues even harder. Heartbreaking stories of people sobbing and screaming for help in the darkness.
Help and prayers are needed ...
More problematic is that the earthquake occurred close to the surface.
Haiti has 9 million people ....2 million in Port Au Prince.
Numerous aftershocks have occurred, two over 5.0 in the last hour doing further damage to buildings that have cracked or shifted on their foundations ...
Tsunamis are possible though not probable but there have been some in the past caused by Haitian earthquakes.
More later but later the news will be worse.
The streets there are said to be obscured in the darkness in a cloud of dust that is from the buildings that have fallen.
It may actually be stronger as some news sources are quoting it to be 7.3.
Good site to watch...
Aid is needed, they have asked the US for help...they need lots of help.
Prayers are good... help is good...
Very sad... I have many friends in Miami with relatives, family in Port Au Prince and Haiti...and I fear for their safety...
Water, food, medical all needed .... the list of what is needed is endless.. miracles would be good too.
You can follow some news sites being broadcast from http://www.hurricanecity.tv/
Note...this quake was felt over a large area...Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Cuba and Virgin Islands... and the earth is not done quaking as an aftershock of 5.9 was felt recently.
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