Where's Ed?

A lot of possibilities for the Ed storm to develop here. Edouard. Where do they come up with these days. Never in the Miami area have I heard someone called Edouard vs Edouardo but suppose somewhere in the Tropical basin it is so. Or Edwin in English islands?
Whatever... whomever... we could go fast from E to F with the scenario we have currently.
The Gulf is the first choice of many as it is close in and a low pressure system seems to be forming at the surface. Recon will figure it out and there is no end to the radar, sat and buoy data available. This shouldn't be so hard. When a front dangles too long something forms if the water is hot and winds are light enough.
Out in the Atlantic is a nice wave with nice curves rolling along west. Models show it curving but models said it shouldn't, wouldn't be there as they had it curving since day one. Lesson #2 today.. never ignore a wave that ignores the models.
Further out is a weaker wave down around 10 that will look nice when it pulses up and again further out by Africa we see a great wave but will it look great in a day or so when it hits the cooler water?
Warning.... in a short while the water will not be so cool there and in 2 weeks or so the African waves will be climatologically ready and be a force to be dealt with.
Everyone is all ga ga about the Gulf. I'm not. I am more interested in the Atlantic wave. No..not because I don't care about the GULF I do.. I just think the Atlantic wave has a pretty darn good structure for a wave that was written off.
Odds are we see the Ed storm named in the Gulf.
Check back later when the big plane flies into the semi-organized area of low pressure and says they found a west wind and everyone agrees it is Edouard. No O on the end!
Love and Kisses to everyone ...have a great Sunday.
Back in Miami...
Ps... here's the loop.
Lots of better loops but this one shows a wide view of life that I like
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