Possible Tropical Development .. Some Models
Here are some models and I do not mean Victoria Secret Models this time.
Shows a few storms.. one in the Gulf of Mexico headed towards Texas and one of those late bloomers that didn't die a dusty death out in the far Atlantic but continued weak west until the time was right to develop into a storm. Got to worry when those weak waves don't crash and burn but continue weakly, westward.
The wave centered around 18 is still alive and visible on the visible. See pic below.

Click on the SST and view the wave moving towards warmer water.
Interesting. Very interesting and very plausible that it will pulse up and show it's face on the radar screen again.
Another area to watch is the Gulf of Mexico. Especially if you believe the Canadian Model that takes a good strong storm into Texas later in the forecast period. Bastardi was talking on this the other day, maybe while he is on vacation he will get a storm. I flew over that area last night and they kept putting the lights on to keep your seat belt on. Wasn't terribly bumpy but wasn't smooth either. Nice flight home all in all.
And... in the Carib is a nice wave that is still there despite all the talk of the strong shear huffing and puffing and blowing it away. Maybe tomorrow it will be gone but today it is still there.
loop it.. two areas to watch, the lead part of the wave still visible and down in the Eastern Carib another one moving through.
Good Shabbos... back in Miami.. with lots of possibilities out there in the Ocean and Models dreaming of hurricanes in technicolor!
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