Fast Friday's Post on Fay and the Flooding Rain & Tornado Warning
First off, Fay is still working her way through Florida.
It has been said she is hoping to declare Florida residency so she can get a Florida Residents Pass for the theme parks.
Sorry, the best I can do right now.
Flooding rains in Miami this afternoon. Nothing compared to up the coast but I have a small incline/hill in front of the house and I have never seen the water rise up over the sidewalk since I have lived here. Down the block the streets were covered over and Miami Gardens Drive was a flooded parking lot. Aventura a mess, stranded cars in parking lots. A mess. Wind driven rain and some of the coolest lightning I have seen in a while, close strikes just to the north of me. Thick lightning bolts. Ear piercing, car alarm going off strikes.
Rain from Fay far away but we we in the bottom of her bands which were training rain over us for about 2 hours.
The sun came out partially, the water in Miami drains away fast and we are getting ready for shabbos.
Daughter is home from Disney, safe and sound but she got soaked getting groceries in from the car. Food is being cooked. CNN is on waiting to see who Obama puts on his bumper sticker... we'll see if my friend is right (:P) lol and well... going to relax. My son came home in a special door to door drop off during a really, bad thunder storm... this is a special bus driver and why I keep my kids in this school where kids are treated like treasures and not just a name and a number. I was really worried... between bolts of lightning over the house and the street being flooded ands winds, oh did I mention winds.. things were flying off the tree next door.
Anyways... so going off and I'll be back later in the weekend. Will 94 develop or 95? We'll see... Will Fay continue to cause misery in Florida??? We'll see..
Stay tuned from water logged Florida in a Tropical Friday... stay dry and if you can't stay dry stay safe!
Love Bobbi
Ps.. yes this is what we do in this family, every time it rains some child goes outside to try and get a pic of lightning or the flooding or whatever :)

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