Saturn Spreads Winter Misery & Tragedy in Williamsburg
One reason I love weather is I'd rather watch a weather story than to watch a news story that has a heart breaking story. Today is one of those days. I try and focus on weather and winter and try not to think on a young couple in the Williamsburg area of Brooklyy, NY who were killed this weekend while on their way to the hospital pregnant with their first child. Two days later, both are dead killed by a hit and run driver and their baby who was delivered alive at the scene died last night in a hospital in Brooklyn.
A community is mourning for the loss of two of their finest, brightest who were only married just a year ago amid happiness and blessings.
It has been a public story in the regular world not just within the tight knit Chassidic communities of New York as CNN sent me a tweet this morning that that baby boy died.
This is Raizel and Nathan at their wedding just a little over a year ago ... the picture on the left is of their funeral procession.

For's a hard loss that I can connect to in ways deep as I have had two children get married this past year, one in Miami and one in Brooklyn in similar weddings. I know what it is to be a mother and hope, pray and expect wonderful things from young couples and yet as I am older and have learned sad lessons in life I know not all fairy tales end happily. The boys mother just gave birth two weeks ago, as he was one of the oldest in the family. It's common in chassidic communities where we don't use birth control to have a nephew be older by months or younger than his uncle or aunt. Hey we all have ways we choose to live our lives and to all of us our way is beautiful. I know I find great joy usually in the way I live. And, often as we know so many people and have so many children and our children marry into other families we are bound tightly to others that otherwise we might not know. I'm sure my son-in-law who come from a Satmar family and was married this past July to my Chabad raised daughter has relatives who were in the midst of the funeral yesterday.
So, yes... today is a day I dedicate to reminding EVERY ONE ... even here on my weather blog to enjoy life, find joy in the simple moments such as the sun shining on the porch and the birds feeding from the feeder and the drops of rain falling from the sky and the snow falling silently as the next winter storm moves East across the country.
Enjoy each season.. each simcha.. each party ... each memory.
Live a life extraordinary... enrich it with joy and a passion for things that only you could be passionate about and tell your loved ones often that you love them.
They may not have lived a long life, but they lived a rich, extraordinary life and their baby briefly breathed air and had life. And, in their memory.... do a good deep, give charity... tell someone you love them!
Again, why I like the weather.... I don't have to hear stories like this on the nightly news and in all parts of our world people from different walks of life do have these tragedies. No one group holds a copyright on tragedy or on happiness and we are all joined together in humanity feeling the loss of promise and a future that was tragically taken away from all of us.
So... enjoy the snow or the sunshine and tell someone you love them and don't forget to live and be happy because none of us know how long we have to live. We are born to die and we come into this world crying and we cry when those we love are taken from us.
To quote an old song... live, love and try to be happy...
Winter Storm "Saturn" is winding up and spreading snow across the middle of the country... moving East. Personally, I would like some quiet time with SNOW this week to watch it fall and revel in it's beauty which is rare in my part of the country.

I do so love the water vapor loop:
Easy to get lost in it:

And, again... for me... do me a favor and tell someone you love them.... show forgiveness and compassion and do a good deed and give charity in the memory of three young lives that were lost this weekend in a car accident in Brooklyn.
Besos Bobbi
Ps... Shortly after Nathan's wedding he heard of an orphan who was trying to raise money for his wedding and asked his classmates to give $100 each to that young man and worked hard trying to help him put on his own wedding. Do a good deed for someone today... give charity... be grateful for all you have and live a life extraordinary.

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