Which Model Has it Right? The Dance of 2012...2013..
Several models had whispered snow or a winter storm... yet the GFS aka "American" remains "our model" and the girl we take to the prom...
Tonight the GFS dreamt on snow...
Mind you I've been watching the satellites the last several days hoping for this ... as I'd like to see a little more snow in Carolina this winter. But...alas they have only shown rain.
Tonight at 5 PM they began to cave... whispers of snow flakes with rain...
Then.............the GFS sort of went a little snow crazy on Valentines Day...and at 11 PM the words "there may be some accumulation" worked their way into the forecast.
New York ...New Jersey also whispering sweet nothings of chances of snow on Saturday.
Will see. People are staying up for the models tonight to see what the GFS will say on the next run.
Someone is gonna have a long talk with the GFS before the next run... let's see what it snows tomorrow.
As for me.... had a nice day... may I say Victoria Secrets new "Perfect" Nail Polish is perfect :)

So is a steak dinner ... I mostly eat Vegetarian style but the door is open for a piece of steak on Valentines Day with Sweet Potatoes that are so creamy they are to die for... peas, carrots, asparagus... nice.. very nice and a fire place that was used tonight for a change... nice. I love holidays... everyone is always so friendly and in a good mood...cause honestly when they are giving out chocolate and wine treats at Fresh Markets... how can you not smile?
Happy Valentines Day Weekend... Boat Show in Miami... Grove Art Show and a nice quiet Shabbos enjoying the possibility of snow.. on Saturday.
Sweet Tropical Dreams...
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