Still waiting for development around FL... Steve Jobs Dies

The story of Steve Jobs dying has wiped everything else off the map today. It's big, it's cataclysmic... a Category Five News Story. I am mind you typing this on my netbook, however I'm getting updates on his death on my Itouch that lies next to my knee as I sit here on my bed watching CNN and wondering on whether or not to write a blog entry on the tropics today.
This seems to be some current theme in the world right now. Will Herman Cain overtake Perry or Romney? Will Sarah run? Will Christie run? It's beginning to feel like some campy old Batman TV series with STAY TUNED at the end of every episode.
Now we have people insisting they don't want to run for Vice President...
And, as every weather website hypes a Tropical Storm around or near Florida next week the NHC has yet to blink and highlight one area with even a 0% chance yellow circle.

And, one wrinkle in the forecast that needs to be ironed out is that the Eastern Pacific has come alive and aside from one storm off the coast of Mexico another storm is forming. Usually, when you have so much action in the EPac the Carib and Atlantic take a rest for a few days. Only so much energy out there and the flow from the Pacific can disrupt formation in the Caribbean and Atlantic and the Gulf. Not always but often enough for me to wonder how all of this is going to come together.
We have models taking the system up the East Coast. We have models taking the system up from near Cuba to the Eastern Gulf of Mexico into the Panhandle.
Before we figure out where it will go we need to figure out where it will form.
This is sort of the way Steve Jobs worked it seems. He came across a problem and he solved it and created something new. Then another problem arose and he solved that and created something new.
We are in some holding pattern right now until something shows a spin or a twist or low surface temperatures develop somewhere.
As for Apple... classy way of handling it on with just his face and the dates of his life.
I remember back in 1997 going on AOL Weather Groups on an Apple my ex-husband borrowed from someone. It was great. Just so different from other computers, so much more fun somehow. I loved that machine and where it took me, but somehow it was like going for a ride with cute, sexy guy in a classic convertible ....much better than riding in a boring, boxy 4 store sedan some kid borrowed from his mother.
I remember riding down Old Culter Road one day with a really cute, smart, sweet, sexy boy in his brother's down, the scenery flying by and the world was perfect for a few hours on a Sunday afternoon. I remember other rides in some Ford Falcon or something ... baby blue on McArthur Causeway to Miami Beach. Well I think it was baby blue, sort of the color of that year but either way the point was the ride was more perfect because well it was perfect. Perfect is perfect. Not much to complain about, a perfect memory. And.... in both instances what made it even more perfect than the boy or the road or the car was the music :) A ride wasn't a ride unless you had the music blaring from your favorite radio station as you drove across Biscayne Bay or all the way down Old Cutler Road. It's the music! That's what Steve Jobs knew, if it was going to be cool like a classic mustang convertible it needed to play music.
Steve Jobs, the quintessential baby boomer. He had to push the bubble, he had to do things his way, he had to try new things and do everything his way and most of all he believed in himself. My gosh what a generation Dr. Spock helped create when he urged not to "break their spirit" in his quintessential child rearing book. Steve Jobs wasn't the apple that fell far from the tree, he was the apple that had a bite out of it because you could not resist taking that bite in the same way Eve could not resist. And, Eve would have wanted an Apple not an IBM.
Maybe it is a good name for a child, I don't know but I know that you wouldn't name a child IBM would you?
Colorful, fun, entertaining, easy to use and it plays your favorite music.
So, the part of my family who loves Apple vs the Android or Google or whatever technological treat they are arguing over these days is expecting a baby very soon and I'm overly preoccupied with thinking on that and other things that go bump in the night. He is in management with Apple, corporate, whatever you call it... and I'm wondering what it must be like to go to work tomorrow there. Then again this was expected and everyone had been waiting for it...for the Apple to drop...for Steve Jobs to pass on to that big Apple store in the sky. Those in the know knew it was coming any day.
In the same way that those in the know ... know something is forming in a few days down near Florida but no one is sure where it will form or where it will go?
Sort of like childbirth. You are in the 9th month, you can feel the baby kicking, you can't walk twenty feet without having to pee or sit down to breathe and yet you have no idea really if it will be tomorrow or next week or the week after and the time of day is more elusive than even figuring out the day. You can see the baby on a sonogram but you can't seem to get it to do what you want anymore than you will be able to get a teenager down the road to do what you want.
Life and death... you don't know for sure when the baby will be born and you don't know for sure when you will die.
I'll just leave you tonight with a great line from a great man...Steve Jobs:
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."
Sometime later this week Rina may develop down near the Florida Straits, when the NHC starts issuing advisories we will start discussing the tropics more seriously.
Tonight is a night for thinking on how one man became an icon and changed our lives forever by just being himself. I am sure somewhere on my Itouch or my Ipod there is a song that is perfect for this moment but at this moment I'm clueless as to what it is so I'll just go with what comes to mind. <-----um disturbing... maybe... are those bobbleheads? lol sorry.... ummmm still can't listen to Chicago ...
--------> (no no danger will robinson)
Perfect ;)
American Pie...the Day the Music Died. Great song... another great ride through an empty field with a full moon rising when the Homecoming Princess didn't want to go to the dance but went for a ride instead, windows down and the music blaring. For some reason the music always sounded better in a car with the windows down and the music blaring or on an Ipod....
Sweet Tropical Dreams Bobbi... babyboomer... likes to do it her own way ;)
(ps... special mention goes to another car ride with Peter singing I'm Henry the 8th I am lol giggling... well cars and Peter and I guess Henry go together like a horse and carriage lol giggling... lol oh my goodness lol, yeah goes up there with the top five cars of all time...I need to go to bed, just hope I don't dream of mustangs in a wild field eating apples)
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