Fins Fail & Orange and Yellow Blobs In the Atlantic
The only orange worth looking at tonight is the orange blob in the Atlantic that has a possible chance of becoming the next named storm... maybe.

You can see something slowly coming together, sort of bending, folding in on itself in the last few frames.
Models have it possibly going into the Caribbean though others re-curve it.

Time will tell. Let's first see it form... before we try and figure out where it's gonna go.
The Dolphins played a horrible game today. Not the worst gave I have ever seen, but pretty darn horrible. Fins Fail. That's what I saw in my email after the game, so going to go with putting it that way as that's pretty much the best way I could put it as well. Fail. An F? Do they give an F+?? Maybe a D, Dolphins today played a game worth rating a D. Okay, a D+. They showed up. Henne did, and y'all know I usually dislike Henne. The Defense did not show up for the Dolphin game, thus making the game a D- I'm not happy with the coach. I didn't like him last year, I like him less this year. I like Henne more, though he would be a better back up to a really good quarterback however right now he's all we got and he's not playing horribly. There is a lack of coaching. And, as a muse... I can say that inspiration is 50% at least of the battle. If you aren't inspired you aren't going anywhere neither as an artist or a writer nor as a football teach. Very poor coaching and a poor excuse for a defense.
So.... that's where we are tonight.
Mike Huckabee is on Fox TV with two blondes and he looks happy. Who lost that battle huh? He seems to enjoy his life. I like that. Geraldo was on earlier trying to explain all at once how Obama was losing the Jewish and the Latino vote, which he is over qualified to discuss. I keep trying to figure out how he got to Fox. And, no watching Fox tonight was not a matter of politics, I was too tired to change the channel as mute on CNN sounds pretty much the same as it does on Fox.
Went to the Greek Festival today. Oh my goodness, all people do up here at the Greek Festival is EAT. A lot of BIG Eaters of all nationalities eating Greek Food. I'm used to a more artsy sort of Greek Festival like in Miami..blew me away. I did get a nice wrist band, jingle bracelet thingie for when I do Bollywood and Bellydance. Green, nice... has little coins on it :) And, had an incredible Halvah Sundae with honey on top.
Otherwise, will be back in Miami very soon and figure that means we will have something to start tracking as it worked with Emily and Irene so... dust off those hurricane tracking maps for Ophelia.
Some things you can't make up, though I'm wondering if someone knew I'd look for that. Hmmnnn...never know with my life or maybe it's just serendipity vs art imitating life.
Stay tuned.... as the yellow blob may blob out and the Orange Blob (Orange for the U and the Hurricanes Great Win last night) may become Ophelia.
Sweet Tropical Dreams
Ps... John Morales just tweeted this great link to the 1926 Hurricane that was 85 years ago... excellent footage and it might be a good time to give thanks that we were not hit with something like that this year or any year since.!/JohnMoralesNBC6
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