Hurricane Richard Close to Landfall...not going quietly into the tropical night...

Think he may even make it across land and into the Gulf as more than a remnant low.

The Yucatan is low land, part of his system will always stay over water giving him extra oomph...
Don't think it's time to write him off just yet.

Enjoying watching him spin... and watching Fins on TV.
Don't think the season is over yet ;)
Keep watching.... Besos Bobbi
The terrain in Belize? Wondering how many Richard will affect if at all?
(don't ask me what the word verification is-I'll start crying, lol!)
(do I have a goetee?)
Psst..I can't go to Belize.
oh... no Belize huh...well you'll explain one year, somewhere just not in Belize I guess :^)
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